Anyway Toby has a viewing tomorrow! Kathy received a phone call from a man today enquiring about Mr Lock but as he's just found his new home she let him know of little Toby. After a quick phone call to me, asking about Tobys behaviour and his habits he asked if he could view him and was very eager to come as soon as, which is tomorrow morning. I really hope it goes well, as long as their Retriever gets along with him I don't see why they wouldn't want him.
Today we went on a walk and a little cavalier was walking off lead. I was trying to stop Tinks snapping its head off so didn't take much notice of Toby who was really quietly sniffing the dog and not making a fuss at all. He is really behaved in that sense. Thankfully even the food agression is getting better now and if it wasn't for Sally getting more food agressive, he would be fine as he has gone to share with Tinks with no issues. He will growl as a warning but I don't think he will snap unless the other dog intiates it. Unfortunately that is Sallys only issue, as well behaved as she is, she can be very possessive with food she likes (naturediet). I have also worked out that Toby has never yapped at me when I leave the house but always yaps at my dad, I have no idea why. It does seem to be getting better though and if he's tired out it's not a problem.
So thats all for now, I'll try update on Monday and if I don't I wish you all a Happy New Year :D My aim for 2013, to foster at least 10 more dogs :)
Lucy, Tinks, Toby and Sally. x