So Kathy from the rescue text yesterday saying a woman would be interested in Judy if she is good with cats so I'm going to go down to Lee's (another dog fosterer) tomorrow to test her with her cats who live with dogs so won't be too frightened to see a dog. Unfortunately I'm not too confident it will go well as Judy is a typical JRT but lets hope for the best because a great home has been found for her if shes good with cats. If not we'll just keep waiting and hopefully the other man who I spoke about in my last blog will still want her when he moves into his new home.
I've just flead and wormed Judy as I didn't know if she'd already been done, the worm tablet went down nicely in a bit of cheese but like every other dog she wouldn't take it on it's own but to be honest neither do humans.
Judy is doing great although I have started to call her Jude now more than Judy... not that it matters since she's deaf and doesn't hear you saying her name. Judy is getting more and more protective as she get's closer to me and will growl at my dog if she jumps on my bed. Sally being the little wimp she is is shying away at this and will act very nervous around her which I don't think helps the situation cause Judy knows she's getting her way. I'm trying to stop the growling by giving a hands up signal which I'm trying to train her to mean stop. Lee also gave me a tip the other day as to how not to startle her when she's asleep so I tried that today. Just putting my hand in front of her nose so she knows I'm there and it does work and she doesn't get so startled.
So lets hope for the best tomorrow with the cat test,
Lucy and Judy
31 March 2012
29 March 2012
Phone Call for Judy
Judy may have found a home. But you don't understand how much I'm going to exagerate the word may. A man has called today interested in her after wanting a jack russel as a companion as he lives alone. He sounds perfect for her but is currently living on a 2nd floor so he wants to wait till he gets a house, which by the sounds of it could be soon. He says he will call back in a couple of weeks so fingers crossed that he decides he does want to rehome Judy. So lets hope for the best. As I said before though this is definitely an exagerated may and not a definite home yet, he will need to go through the home check first and be made sure that he will provide the perfect home for Judy.
I'll keep you updated on the situation, Judy has been running in the fields again today. I'm starting to realise she is getting a little protective of me and will always be in the same room as me even when I'm in the shower.. which sounds quite embarrasing but she's only a dog, lol. She's such a good companion and will make a great friend for someone.
Lucy and Judy
I'll keep you updated on the situation, Judy has been running in the fields again today. I'm starting to realise she is getting a little protective of me and will always be in the same room as me even when I'm in the shower.. which sounds quite embarrasing but she's only a dog, lol. She's such a good companion and will make a great friend for someone.
Lucy and Judy
28 March 2012
Our Lovely Walk
Went for a walk today with the dogs, seriously I have nothing bad to say about Judy. She walked so nice on the lead, didn't pull at all and once we were in the fields I let her off the lead. She loved walking around sniffing anything and everything but she never went to far and always stayed in sight. If she looked up and I signed to her she came running straight over with such a grin on her face. We met some dogs on the walk, she sniffed them calmly and then moved on. One thing to say about Judy, it is so easy to make the poor girl jump. She can't hear you coming so she just jumps out of her skin. We were walking along and I went to stroke her back and she looked so shocked. She's so cute though. She got up early this morning and jumped into bed with me when I asked her to and stayed cuddled up to me all morning. She's so lovely and fluffy. I've never met such a nice coated dog, especially a Jack Russel. She's definitely settled in better now, and has started barking a little if she senses something about, not major barking though just a curious little bark.

When I came home from shopping yesterday what a greeting I got! Judy jumped up at me so excited and barked so happy, she even mouthed at my hand like a puppy would, not biting just putting my hand in her mouth, I find it too cute tbh. She's obviously taken a liking to me though because she totally ignored my dad, it made me feel quite happy knowing she'd taken to me.
Judy is such a cutie and a pleasure to be with,
Lucinda and Judy
When I came home from shopping yesterday what a greeting I got! Judy jumped up at me so excited and barked so happy, she even mouthed at my hand like a puppy would, not biting just putting my hand in her mouth, I find it too cute tbh. She's obviously taken a liking to me though because she totally ignored my dad, it made me feel quite happy knowing she'd taken to me.
Judy is such a cutie and a pleasure to be with,
Lucinda and Judy
27 March 2012
Poor Girl Judy
Meet Judy, the little girl I mentioned yesterday. Judy was such a good girl last night. She sleeps in her basket at night, which is in my room just for comfort. She did come in my bed for a cuddle but decided she'd prefer to be in her own bed. Judy is so lovely, apparently she walks really well on the lead as well, don't think I'd risk taking her off though due to her lack of hearing although she always comes to you if you beckon her forward with a 'come' hand signal.. that is if shes looking at you. Judy is very well housetrained and has had no accidents, she doesn't ask to go out in any way but she will hold it until shes outside. Last night she didn't seem to want to go out on her own, this may have been due to the dark but I don't know. However when my dog went out she was fine. As for her and Sally, Sally has tried to calmly sniff her but she does show her teeth and growl a little but I feel this is just a warning. As explained yesterday Judy came to us as the previous fosterers dog did not get along with her, Judy has a couple of marks on her face where I think the other dog has bitten her but I don't want to jump to any conclusions. She is a bit off when you touch one side of her nose cause of a little nip there and there is one just above her eye. Theres also one on her hind leg. None are that bad tbh but I think they've made her wary of other dogs.
After reading Judys registration form I found out the poor girl had been with her last owners all her life so it kind of explains her nervous behaviour. Poor Judy even cowered when I tried to give her a sit hand sign to see if she knew that (she didn't) It does make me think but who am I to judge? Judy is much better today and starting to explore a little bit and get used to her surroundings, at the moment she's trying to sniff out a cat in the garden adjoining to me. Judy is a very quiet dog and I've only heard her bark once when I came home today, maybe again this is due to her lack of hearing.
So Judy needs a loving home, one where they can spend time getting to know her, one which just wants a calm, loyal dog who will love them dearly after she's got to know them and be at their heels most of the time. Judy acts a lot older than her actual 6 years but that isn't such a bad thing if like I said your wanting a lovely calm dog. She would suit a quiet calm family who will love her for who she is, preferably as the only dog but I feel she could live with a quiet older dog as she is doing just that at the moment and is fine as long as she doesnt get too in her face.
Thats all for now,
Lucy and
26 March 2012
Judy has just come in to us after her previous fosterers dog didn't get along with her. She is a 6 year old white Jack Russel Terrier with black and tan ears. Unlike Bella she is soft coated. Unfortunately Judy is deaf, however we think she may have a tiny bit of hearing as she sometimes responds to my clicker. Apparently she does come to you if you give her a hand signal but shes only been here 10 minutes so can't say much yet. She's currently on a walk with my dad and Sally.
One thing I can tell already Judy is nervous in new situations, she does cower a bit but once shes had a good sniff around shes okay. I would recommend already that she should be rehomed as the only dog. She has bared her teeth at my dog when shes been sniffing her and did try to snap. I don't know whether this is due to her lack of hearing. Apparently she has lived with a dog before however. I will keep that updated because maybe it will just take her time to adjust to Sally.
Judy was rehomed as her elderly owner became bedbound and it was too much to handle another dog along with theres.
Lucy and Judy. x
Unfortunately Alone Again
Unfortunately the cavalier cross has fallen through. I'm still unsure about what this means, in this case it may have been she was taken to a different rescue but shrug. Bella left today as planned and surprisingly I didn't cry. I didn't really give her a long goodbye that may have been why but when I walked back inside I felt like a little part of me had been ripped out but in place of that was a sense of goodwill. I love knowing Bella is in safe hands in her forever home where she will be loved so much. I guess she was like that here but I was just a temporary home for her... a holiday home.
So don't know when I'll get another dog now, hopefully soon cause I already miss having a dog around. I mean Sally is here but Bella actually felt like mine... it was nice. It was the feeling of being loved again. Another fosterer for the rescue called today saying her dog isn't getting along with her foster dog so I may end up taking that in if it doesn't work out for tonight. If I do that'll be another Jack Russel. Anyway, I'll post tomorrow to inform you of whether I have it or not. For now it's just me with no foster dog.
Lucy x
So don't know when I'll get another dog now, hopefully soon cause I already miss having a dog around. I mean Sally is here but Bella actually felt like mine... it was nice. It was the feeling of being loved again. Another fosterer for the rescue called today saying her dog isn't getting along with her foster dog so I may end up taking that in if it doesn't work out for tonight. If I do that'll be another Jack Russel. Anyway, I'll post tomorrow to inform you of whether I have it or not. For now it's just me with no foster dog.
Lucy x
25 March 2012
Bellas Last Day :(
Gonna miss this cute face |
So the dog I am getting after Bella goes tomorrow is a 'lovely' Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cross. I don't know much yet, I've been told that she is a proper rescue dog unlike Bella who came from a home apparently this dog has come straight from ... the motorway. I'm sure the woman said that on the phone, gosh I hope she's wrong. I hate how cruel people can be to dogs. I've warned Bella never to trust humans or the vets. So the Spaniel cross is apparently a lemon and white 1 year old female. And thats all I know. I'm curious as to what shes crossed with, what she looks like, what her personalitys like. But normally Cavaliers are good well behaved nice dogs. So I'll post again tomorrow when this new little girl comes to me and to tell you about my goodbye with Bella. :(
Lucy and Bella x
Sally decided to sit on Bella |
They Could be twins |
I'll Miss You Bella <3 |
23 March 2012
Bella has done well
Bella has settled in great with us, unfortunately though she has already found her new home. I guess it isn't too unfortunate though, she will be going to her forever home which is great. Once she has gone I shall hopefully be getting another foster dog, a cavalier cross. So fingers crossed for next week and lets hope Bella will settle in well to her new home. Theres no need to say anymore on Bella tbh, since she has already found her forever home nobody really needs to know how she has been but in general shes been great. I'll keep you posted on Monday :)
Lucy and Bella x
Lucy and Bella x
18 March 2012
Day 2 with Bella
Bella slept in my bed last night, she was really good and curled up by my feet all night. She did get up once to go to the toilet but came straight back to bed after going out. We went for a walk this morning, she does pull a little on the lead and when another dog was on the path she sniffed it very calmly. She's a lovely little girl who loves cuddling up to you on the sofa. She loves going outside, which is a good thing and is pretty much housetrained, however we did have a couple of accidents yesterday I think this was due to her being in a new place. Her recall has already improved however she still won't listen to you when she's on her lead. I am aiming to get this much better this week and have ordered a clicker to try train her. She absolutely loves carrots and was happily munching away on little pieces of carrot this morning. Think thats all I have to say for now.
Lucy and Bella
Lucy and Bella
17 March 2012
Bella :D
So this little beauty here is Bella. Bella is a 4 year old Jack Russel Terrier. Bella came today when I wasn't in but when I came in she was very jumpy. She did bark a bit but it was just a friendly hello. She loves her cuddles, she'll lay on your knee and let you fuss her to bits. Also she loves her belly being rubbed and if she lays down sometimes she'll roll over just to let you rub it. She's only a small jack russell, mainly white with a ginger mask as can be seen in the picture. She has a rough coat that be warned, does moult however I'm used to that with my current dog. Bella and Sally have being okay together. Sally isn't really a playful type of dog so did get a little snappy when Bella tried to join in playing but I think this is just because she isn't used to having a dog around recently. Bella will sit for a treat and lift her paw up slightly which is rather cute. She can be slightly hyper, running around when you first walk into a room, and wanting to be chased if you clap your hands at her. She loves running around outside. Overall she is a perfect family dog, however we have being told she is not good being left alone for long hours and will bark. Her bark is a lot louder than what you'd think for such a small dog. She's just a young girl that loves attention and being played with :D
Lucy and Bella
Lucy and Bella
15 March 2012
I May have a Dog! :D
So the woman called today from West Yorkshire Dog Rescue asking if I was in on Saturday. Unfortunately I'm not as I am off to my mums for a few days however my dad is. So on Saturday a little jack russel named Bella will hopefully be coming to my home. This is what I have of her so far. She's good with dogs and doesn't want to be fussed and shes good to be left a few hours however gets a little yappy after a while. Poor thing, looking forward to meeting her, just a shame I'm not here the day she comes. I'll post more on Monday :D
10 March 2012
The Start
Hi I'm Lucy,
So thats me,
I'm 18 and a dog fosterer for West Yorkshire Dog Rescue. Originally I came home from uni wanting another dog after mine died in December however it was too hard convincing my dad this due to the money etc. So the perfect solution... to foster of course. So yesterday the rescue got in contact with me after I had asked about a certain dog they needed a foster for. Unfortunately this dog didn't end up needing a foster home in the end. So they tried again for a collie but due to them not knowing whether it was good with other dogs this dog wouldn't come to me either. Ah well... I am now homechecked so can become a fosterer whenever. It is just a waiting game but hopefully it will be soon, and when I foster a dog I will post all about it on here so prospective owners can read more about the dogs temperament etc.
It feels good to be helping a dog rescue, both my dogs came from kennels and both had kennel cough so I understand how important is fosterers are there to provide a comforting home for a dog before it finds its permanent home, therefore causing as little stress to the dog as possible.. and to me thats all that matters.
So thats me,
I'll keep you informed,
West Yorkshire Dog Rescue
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
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