So I have college work to do and other things but I thought I better come on here and update you.
Amber has a home!!!
The lady who came to visit the other day with her 6 year old son has rehomed Amber and was counting down the days for me to bring Amber up today. Amber was really good, she was all calm and loving and rolled over almost immediately for a belly rub. I really do feel she will give Amber what she needs in terms of socialisation and training and more than that I think her son will soon become best friends with her.
Anyway now we are fostering Gatsby and Gemma... yes two but we'll cope. Anyway they've been on the website a while so I'll just copy their profiles here for you. :)
Gatsby and Gemma - a FANTASTIC little pair
Gatsby and Gemma, described below, are fostered together. They are totally in love and get on really well. Gemma's nerves are well controlled now she has Gatsby in her life and she is a much more relaxed and happy dog.
Gatsby is a perfect gentleman and shows Gemma the way in life, he is thrilled with his new sister and so proud to have her by his side as she is so pretty.
Gatsby and Gemma play together, go walks together, eat together, sleep together. They are like a little married couple.
It is difficult in rescue to find homes for pairs of dogs and by offering them as a pair together we are shooting ourselves in the foot and making life harder for ourselves.
But we think the effort of waiting to allow this love affair to continue is worth it and we hope you will support our choice and offer them a home as a pair.
Surely there is someone out there who has a big enough heart and sufficient financial and lifestyle stability to offer them a together home forever.
Click HERE to register an interest in Gatsby and Gemma together as a pair
< Gatsby
This is a really sweet little dog who has not had a good life so far and needs his own forever home with kind, experienced dog owners who will give him lots of exercise.
Gatsby is a 2 years old terrier who has never had enough walks and has been spoiled with lots of treats so is overweight.
Would suit an owner who also wants to start a keep fit campaign and lose weight and gain fitness together. He will need normal amounts of food and additional exercise and must be allowed to lose weight very slowly over about a year. Fast weight loss can do serious harm.
Gatsby is exceptionally friendly and kind. He is a very loyal little dog who forms close bonds with people he likes AND IS VERY LOYAL.
However he needs to gain more confidence with other dogs as he has lead a very sheltered life where he was not exposed to dogs as a youngster so he has a lot to learn. Therefore he is good with most dogs and the photo shows him playing happily with his best friend Marshall. But he will bark at dogs who show any aggression towards him. In the home he needs to be fed in another room from resident dogs as he is possessive over food. He would be better as an only dog, or with a very experienced dog handler he could live with a calm, bigger gentle dog who was a non terrier type. Living with another dog would certainly improve his confidence and accelerate his learning about dogs.
Gatsby is crate trained and he is fostered with other dogs, the crate is used simply to keep him separate whilst in the same room, whilst the foster leaves the room, to prevent any arguments. Because the foster is experienced there is no problem with Gatsby and other dogs, he runs off lead around the fields OK with groups of dogs. However we recognise he would benefit from lots of socialisation with kind dogs to build his confidence.
Phone Kathy 07711617148 between 9am and 5.30pm or text any time. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND SURNAME IN THE TEXT.
Click HERE to register an interest in Gatsby
PLEASE NOTE - if you have a holiday soon we cannot keep a dog until you return so you need to make alternative arrangements if you adopt a dog before you go away. If you are unable to do that please view our dogs after your holiday.
< Gemma
Gemma is a 5 yrs old Jack Russell cross Corgi. She is a lovely pet, likes children, very affectionate, house trained, good on lead and off lead, travels well.
Gemma is not cat friendly as we originally thought. no cats please.
Gemma has been abused and is afraid of people in caps, the vacuum cleaner, brooms and sticks. Therefore a calm, quiet home is needed with sensible, patient people.
Gemma is being fostered with Gatsby they are now the firmest of friends.
We are looking for a kind home with patience, someone around most of the time and children over 8 years old.
Neutered, vaccinated, treated for fleas and worms, microchipped
Phone Kathy 0771161714