I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Tinks really did enjoy her first Christmas with us, and loved opening and playing with all her presents. Toby was great opening his presents and loved his squeeky toy so much it has now lost its ears and hat. So we all had a really nice day.
Anyway Toby has a viewing tomorrow! Kathy received a phone call from a man today enquiring about Mr Lock but as he's just found his new home she let him know of little Toby. After a quick phone call to me, asking about Tobys behaviour and his habits he asked if he could view him and was very eager to come as soon as, which is tomorrow morning. I really hope it goes well, as long as their Retriever gets along with him I don't see why they wouldn't want him.
Today we went on a walk and a little cavalier was walking off lead. I was trying to stop Tinks snapping its head off so didn't take much notice of Toby who was really quietly sniffing the dog and not making a fuss at all. He is really behaved in that sense. Thankfully even the food agression is getting better now and if it wasn't for Sally getting more food agressive, he would be fine as he has gone to share with Tinks with no issues. He will growl as a warning but I don't think he will snap unless the other dog intiates it. Unfortunately that is Sallys only issue, as well behaved as she is, she can be very possessive with food she likes (naturediet). I have also worked out that Toby has never yapped at me when I leave the house but always yaps at my dad, I have no idea why. It does seem to be getting better though and if he's tired out it's not a problem.
So thats all for now, I'll try update on Monday and if I don't I wish you all a Happy New Year :D My aim for 2013, to foster at least 10 more dogs :)
Lucy, Tinks, Toby and Sally. x
... that this time last year I knew nothing about West Yorkshire Dog Rescue. I was living away from home and too busy with uni to even think about adopting another dog, never mind fostering. It was only when Em died that I started to browse rescues just to make me feel better in a way but I knew I wouldn't be able to adopt another dog any time soon, my dad was totally against it and I knew it wouldn't be the best idea but I still couldn't stop pondering on the idea. It wasn't long after that I emailed WYDR asking if I'd be able to foster in the Summer, I expected a no but it was worth a shot. When I got a yes I still didn't expect that I would become a foster. In March when I left uni, mainly due to the death of Em and homesickness I decided to ask Kathy again about fostering, once an appeal was made on facebook. Within a week I had my first foster dog and since then its been none stop. The rescue has well and truly changed my life, and provided me with another doggy best friend in Tinks :)
Toby is my 13th foster dog, including Tinks. I have helped rehome 13 dogs in 9 months, that is more than one a month! 12 dogs will be spending their first Christmas in their forever homes. That is just with me, one foster, so imagine how many dogs the rescue in general has rehomed this year! This is why the rescue needs fosters, the more fosters, the more dogs they can take in, therefore the more dogs that find their new home. It all adds up.
My 13 dogs of the year:
Dylan and Harley
Bailey and Gemma
and Toby who is still looking for his forever home.
Toby will be my Christmas dog, the rescue will stop rehoming on the 19th for Christmas. A dog is not an item and shouldn't be classed as a Christmas present. So please don't forget a dog is for life and not just for Christmas. I'm dreading the New Year with the rescue because we all know its the time when a lot of dogs are dumped.
Toby is doing very well, he is coming out of his shell alot now, he is showing some jealous behaviour with my 2 and is rather food aggressive so needs to be fed in a separate room. It is unlikely he will actually bite but he does growl as a warning, which makes my dogs back off. I'm looking forward to Christmas with him, I bought his presents today and he decided to rip the wrapping paper off them straight away, so watching them all opening their presents on Christmas day will be great.
Thats all for now,
Lucy, Toby, Tinks and Sally
So the dog I was going to get on Saturday didn't end up coming, I was then going to end up with a puppy which didn't happen then we were going to see about a dog from the stray dog pound but before we had time for that Toby came today.
Toby is a 7 year old yorkie and is such an affectionate boy. As soon as he came in he sat on my boyfriends lap to get away from Tinks. He is so cute and loved his walk. He has so much energy he just runs along in front of you, always checking back to make sure your still there. Apparently Toby only has one problem, which I have yet to witness. He will go for you when you leave the house. This is thought to be because he hasn't been let out enough and he just needs to get out there and join his owners on their adventures. Thankfully I have a week off now (Crazy right?) So Toby will have someone around all the time and will have plenty of time to get used to me, the house and the dogs. So far though he is very well behaved, hes not reacted to these 2 at all and Tinks has actually behaved well with him, which is probably because hes small.
Thats all I can really say for now until I've got to know him better.
Lucy, Tinks, Toby and Sally xx
Kali has got a home! I think it was pretty obvious when we entered the house and Kali went and sat with one of the ladies that she was at home. And she really did make herself at home, including marking her territory xD She spent ages exploring the large garden she has and she was fine with the two dogs in the house, even when one of them was a bit funny with her due to being over protective. It is fair to say she has the perfect home their and I'm sure she will enjoy Christmas with her new family. After all they will be spoiling her to a Christmas dinner. Seriously I'm already jealous for her! So thats Kali, she has her retirement home where she will fully enjoy the rest of her life with a lovely family and 2 doggy companions.
Lucy, Tinks and Sally xx
... we just need to believe in them!
So big news... Kali is going for a viewing tomorrow and is more than likely going to get a new home! The lady adopted an old, deaf dog from the rescue last year named Judy (not my Judy) and was looking into adopting another dog. After being turned down by the RSPCA, basically being told they had no dogs suitable the lady noticed Kali in the paper today so contacted Kathy. Well its all gone up from there, when I got home I gave her a ring and gave her a bit of an insight of Kali... how shes the perfect dog and by far the easiest foster I've had and she seems very interested. Even better news she says if she likes her she'll be having her tomorrow. Since the lady has already adopted a dog, we know shes a great owner and know she has a suitable house. Anyway it sounds like Kali will be going to a perfect home with 2 other older dogs for company. The lady was so nice she said 'I just love adopting dogs and would love to give one a Christmas home... a forever home' Then went on to explain how she'd get 2 holidays a year, one in Cumbria and one in Skegness. Kali will really have the perfect home if she goes with this lady and I can't see a reason for tomorrow not to go well so fingers crossed Kali will be leaving us tomorrow. As happy as I am for her I've really formed a bond with Kali and seeing her stuff packed up in the corner is so sad but I know this time when she goes she will never leave that home again and she will truly have her forever home.
I will obviously update you with that tomorrow after I've done the visit with Kali and hopefully it will be good news. Kali is all clean and smelling pretty and seems pretty happy tonight knowing somebody out there wants her.
Now onto the next foster dog! Well this one plans on coming whether Kali goes or not as he urgently needs to come in. He's a little 12 year old jack russel male who apparently has a thing for the ladies. I don't know much yet and won't until the day but I do know he is not cat or child friendly, which is never a good thing, so he could be with us a while... then again I said that about Kali. An update on him will be done Saturday... unless I forget in all the business.
I think thats about it, wish us luck for tomorrow,
Lucy, Kali, Tinks and Sally x
So on Sunday we decided the fields would be too iced up to be too muddy for the dogs so we went for a nice long walk in the fields. We let Kali off lead for the first time and she was so well behaved! She walked so nicely in front of me and my dad and she really enjoyed the freedom of having all the fields. She doesn't wonder far in front of you and always waits if she gets a little ahead. The walk was going so slow like I expected until Kali decided she'd lose the plot. Tinks was running around like a nut job and she felt like she was missing out. So the young Kali came out to play! And Wow, she can run! For an old dog she is certainly good on her legs, Tinks loved chasing her around and they both looked like they were having so much fun it was so nice to see. It wasn't the Kali me and my dad were expecting to see but it was such a pleasure! Just look at the (Rather blurred) photos and tell me she's not having the time of her life! So yes theres still plenty of life in her yet and when she was running in them fields it did show. When we got back home, she collapsed in front of the fire and just snuggled up all day, so happy with the day.
So I'm hoping all these photos of a Kali full of life will help find her a home... we can only hope. She does have some media coverage on Wednesday that will hopefully help as well so keep an eye out for her in the examiner.
Yep thats right, the Christmas trees up and Christmas is definitely on the way :D As excited as I am its not nice to know Kali will most likely not be with her furever family for Christmas. As happy as she is here and as spoilt as she is here it would be nice if someone could give her a forever home, where she'll be happy just to cuddle in front of the fire and make someone very happy. I am really starting to warm to Kali, she is so different from when she first came and has definitely formed a bond with me. So much so that when my dad walked me to college with the dogs yesterday once I'd gone she kept tugging back towards me to get to me. It was so sad seeing her stand at the entrance with her beautiful puppy eyes, as if she was pleading me not to go. So please consider giving Kali not only her Christmas home, but her forever home. :) This formats been silly with me after these pictures so look out for my next blog in a few minutes :P