Today we had our first off lead walk with Roo. Its a risk you have to take with foster dogs but with two of us on the walk (me and my dad) we took the risk and watched him run free. Big grin on his face he loved it! He loved playing fetch and although would not take the ball back at first after the first couple of times he was great and with a tempting treat he grasped the basics of recall. I'm not saying he's fully learnt recall, that will take a few more off lead walks but he is a quick learner and it won't take long for him to fully learn it. Anyway I've taken a video of his fetch skills as you can see below and have some pictures to show you all :)
29 June 2013
More Fun With Roo
So Roo has had more fun this week, on Wednesday we went to Bolton Abbey and Roo loved it. He loved swimming in the water and although we kept him on the lead he had a good swim ttrying to fetch tennis balls back and swimming across while my dad went along the stepping stones. He really did enjoy himself, with the only problem being ducks! Roo does not like ducks and will try to catch them all he can, which is why we kept him on the lead. But at least we learnt that Roo does love water just like we thought.

25 June 2013
Busy Weekend
So now I've finished college it doesn't mean I'll stop being busy, the dogs require my constant love and attention. Dad also has a week off so as we all know, 2 people are better than one when trying to manage dogs. So how are we spending our time off? Well this weekend consisted of two dog shows with the dogs. On Saturday we went to a small local dog show at Crows Nest Park in Dewsbury. Roo did decide he did not like some dogs, I don't know what it was that set him off, he was fine with a entire male poodle, however was barking like mad at a merle collie pup. He was fine with a boxer pup but some staffies he was funny with. So maybe it can be established that Roo is just one picky dog with which dogs he likes! Plenty of money was donated to charities and Tinks had a go on have a go agility, making me proud as she did the ramp and the seesaw for the first time!
So day 2, Sunday we went to a huge dog show down in Derbyshire called Dogs Unleashed. And although it was set to rain we wanted a day out with the dogs and it was worth it! There was hundreds of dogs at this dog show and I think the numbers overwhelmed the dogs a bit and they were much better behaved, walking nicely among the crowd. It was amazing watching dock dogs, a show where dogs jumped off of a dock into a large pool of water for a ball and if it wasn't for the £12 entry we would have entered Roo, as we have found he loves water! So much so that as we was watching dogs jumping into the water as soon as Roo saw the splash he was jumping up trying to get to the pool. However standing around Roo did get worked up and he does need to be moving around or he does show signs of boredom and will pull and bark. He does have his mad moments where he really wants to play, at one point I was stood watching dock dogs trying to calm him down and he leaped into my arms and just sat there. He really does think he is a lap dog! Mad moments also consisted of pulling on a lead, which has lead me to believe he will need a metal lead in future that he won't bite through. It was even funnier on Saturday when after agility he was so excited to see Tinks again he was dragging her about on the lead, causing quite a crowd of people watching him, probably thinking what a nutter! On Sunday Roo also had a go at a hay bale scurry, where he was very good and quite happily retrieved the balls, however he did want to run and play with them rather than give me them back. Overall it was a great weekend and definitely tired the dogs out.
Now unfortunately we do have some bad news, the couple who came to view Roo decided he was a little too much for them and there dog, Millie, which is understandable and working full time they were concerned they wouldn't be able to give Roo the time and love he deserved. Roo does have another person interested in him however so its not all looking down. A lady who has 2 older lurchers feel Roo would fit in great with their family. He would never be left with them and although the lurchers are old they still have plenty of energy and will play and when the unfortunate event happens when they pass on the lady has said she would get another smaller dog for Roo. So fingers crossed, I'll keep you updated. The viewing was meant to be today but due to a family emergency on their end it is no longer possible, however when they talk to us I'll let you know
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Roo x
So day 2, Sunday we went to a huge dog show down in Derbyshire called Dogs Unleashed. And although it was set to rain we wanted a day out with the dogs and it was worth it! There was hundreds of dogs at this dog show and I think the numbers overwhelmed the dogs a bit and they were much better behaved, walking nicely among the crowd. It was amazing watching dock dogs, a show where dogs jumped off of a dock into a large pool of water for a ball and if it wasn't for the £12 entry we would have entered Roo, as we have found he loves water! So much so that as we was watching dogs jumping into the water as soon as Roo saw the splash he was jumping up trying to get to the pool. However standing around Roo did get worked up and he does need to be moving around or he does show signs of boredom and will pull and bark. He does have his mad moments where he really wants to play, at one point I was stood watching dock dogs trying to calm him down and he leaped into my arms and just sat there. He really does think he is a lap dog! Mad moments also consisted of pulling on a lead, which has lead me to believe he will need a metal lead in future that he won't bite through. It was even funnier on Saturday when after agility he was so excited to see Tinks again he was dragging her about on the lead, causing quite a crowd of people watching him, probably thinking what a nutter! On Sunday Roo also had a go at a hay bale scurry, where he was very good and quite happily retrieved the balls, however he did want to run and play with them rather than give me them back. Overall it was a great weekend and definitely tired the dogs out.
Now unfortunately we do have some bad news, the couple who came to view Roo decided he was a little too much for them and there dog, Millie, which is understandable and working full time they were concerned they wouldn't be able to give Roo the time and love he deserved. Roo does have another person interested in him however so its not all looking down. A lady who has 2 older lurchers feel Roo would fit in great with their family. He would never be left with them and although the lurchers are old they still have plenty of energy and will play and when the unfortunate event happens when they pass on the lady has said she would get another smaller dog for Roo. So fingers crossed, I'll keep you updated. The viewing was meant to be today but due to a family emergency on their end it is no longer possible, however when they talk to us I'll let you know
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Roo x
21 June 2013
So we have just had another viewing for Roo. A couple who live nearby saw Roo on the Helping Yorkshire Poundies page and decided to contact the rescue. They have a lovely 6 year old greyhound, who is absolutely beautiful and have a garden for Roo to play in. So they came to view Roo today and absolutely loved him, they gave him all the fuss and although Millie, their greyhound was very placid with him, Roo learnt to be gentle and gave her cute kisses on the face. In the garden Roo happily played fetch with them while Millie stood with me for strokes. I think she wanted to move in and leave Roo to her parents. Anyway the lovely couple are going to contact me over the weekend, and fingers crossed they will want him. If they do a homecheck will be arranged and Roo will go to his new home
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Roo xx
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Roo xx
19 June 2013
Whats the Need?
I know that this blog is for all my foster dogs but I really feel the need to rant after recent happenings. I am disgusted with how people feel the need to bully a lady who is trying to run a rescue and is doing the best for all dogs in the rescues care! Kathy lives for this rescue and the bullies out there are frankly pathetic and not worth it but I can see where Kathy is coming from closing the page. It is hard enough with the pressures of being a rescue, all the difficult dogs to care for, along with trying to help other dogs not in our care and sorting areas out so the dogs can have a safe place to run. I have no other words, that would not be swearing and getting extremely angry so all I can say is I hope the bullies out there are happy with what they have done, they are not animal lovers, no matter how much they claim it. If they were they wouldn't feel need to bully Kathy to the point the facebook page has to close.
So now onto a more positive note, I have finished assignments for the year so can now concentrate on Summer and the dogs. Roo is still with us and being as lovey as ever and now he is completely over his neutering, his puppy side is coming back and he is such a playful boy, especially with Tinks!
Anyway, my minds gone blank. I'll update properly over the weekend
Lucy x
So now onto a more positive note, I have finished assignments for the year so can now concentrate on Summer and the dogs. Roo is still with us and being as lovey as ever and now he is completely over his neutering, his puppy side is coming back and he is such a playful boy, especially with Tinks!
Anyway, my minds gone blank. I'll update properly over the weekend
Lucy x
14 June 2013
Stitches Out, Second Vaccinations Done, Microchipped and Ready to Go
So yesterday Roo went back to the vets and had all the rest of his vet work done so is now 100% ready to go to his forever home.
Now onto some bad news, Roo had a viewing on Wednesday but unfortunately it didn't go to plan. The couple who came were lovely and they loved Roo straight away, as he loved them but he just did not get along with there English Sheepdog. Now we are very unsure of Roos history so don't know what it was that made him hate their dog so much. Every dog we have met with him he has been fine so its really hard. The only reasoning we can think is the dog was an unneutered male and much bigger and shaggier than Roo so who knows.
So we're back to the start with him, however he does have enquiries so its time to sift through them again. Worst bit is the longer Roo is with us the more I get attached to him. He is such a lovely man, he is so affectionate and just loves to sit with you and have big cuddles. He also absolutely adores Tinks and chases her around all day, nibbling her ears and putting his huge paws around her.
So thats all for now, I'll update later this week, should finish all my assignments this week so be prepared for more posts! I'll leave you with a picture of Roo winning his prize at the Honley Show. And just to note his neutering scar no longer looks such a mess and is healing nicely
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Roo x
Now onto some bad news, Roo had a viewing on Wednesday but unfortunately it didn't go to plan. The couple who came were lovely and they loved Roo straight away, as he loved them but he just did not get along with there English Sheepdog. Now we are very unsure of Roos history so don't know what it was that made him hate their dog so much. Every dog we have met with him he has been fine so its really hard. The only reasoning we can think is the dog was an unneutered male and much bigger and shaggier than Roo so who knows.
So we're back to the start with him, however he does have enquiries so its time to sift through them again. Worst bit is the longer Roo is with us the more I get attached to him. He is such a lovely man, he is so affectionate and just loves to sit with you and have big cuddles. He also absolutely adores Tinks and chases her around all day, nibbling her ears and putting his huge paws around her.
So thats all for now, I'll update later this week, should finish all my assignments this week so be prepared for more posts! I'll leave you with a picture of Roo winning his prize at the Honley Show. And just to note his neutering scar no longer looks such a mess and is healing nicely
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Roo x
8 June 2013
Late Roo Update
I genuinely thought I had posted after I got Roo so I am really confused and obviously really behind. I have loads of college work to do but I feel like you at least need a quick update on what a great dog Roo is... then when I finish for the year I will start updating here a lot more. Summer for me will involve time with the dogs, training at Pets at Home, Playscheme and more dogs!
So Roo boy, Roo came into us last Saturday and what a great dog he is. Although very hyperactive at first after coming out of kennels and being entire Roo spent a lot of his first day humping me and Tinks. He had so much energy but was clearly nervous. So its been a week and Roo has settled down a lot. He was neutered on Monday and since has being alot more calmer. Unfortunately he decided even with a cone on to continuously lick and rub at his stitches so it looked very sore. He went back to the vets Wednesday for a check up and was given some antibiotics and a bigger cone. The antibiotics seem to be working which is good and the cone means he can no longer reach his stitches... or anything else for that matter. Everyone who has met him loves him though, including the vet nurse who even took a picture to try persuade her mum.
Roo is extremely well behaved, walks nicely on the lead, sits, lays down, gives paw. He's great and has obviously being well trained at some point. I have a feeling he has potential with agility as well because he did seem interested today when I was trying Tinks with it but trying to jump over a hurdle with a cone on proved very difficult!
Yesterday Roo stayed with another foster for the day while I went to Alton Towers with my family and she loved him and we found out Roo does not particularly like cats and will try chase them if he gets the chance along with ducks and chickens. He does wag his tail though like he's trying to play so he may be workable but the risk is never worth it. Today Roo came up to Honley Show with me and Dan and was very well behaved. It was very busy and although trying to pee on everything... and everyone, Roo was a very good boy. He wanted to meet every dog he saw and if I wouldn't let him he'd get very agitated, but as I said it was very busy and very overwhelming for any dog, especially as a first experience. But as the day went on he settled down and walked next to me, tried to play with every dog he met (big and small), didn't mind children coming over to stroke him. He even decided to jump up at anyone who had food because hes cheeky like that, thankfully most people just laughed once they saw his happy little face. Roo sat nicely when we were watching the pigs and cows on show and just watched the sheep and goats. I would definitely recommend agricultural shows to get dogs well socialised. Although a little fidgety waiting for the dog show, when Roo got in the ring he won a special award in the handsome dog class and a word over the speaker that he was looking for a home and walking around proudly with his ribbon on got many people looking at him and asking what he'd won, what a handsome boy he was and just loving him, which he just soaked in! So it has being a long day for Roo and he is now layed fast asleep after a tiring day out :)
So Roo boy, Roo came into us last Saturday and what a great dog he is. Although very hyperactive at first after coming out of kennels and being entire Roo spent a lot of his first day humping me and Tinks. He had so much energy but was clearly nervous. So its been a week and Roo has settled down a lot. He was neutered on Monday and since has being alot more calmer. Unfortunately he decided even with a cone on to continuously lick and rub at his stitches so it looked very sore. He went back to the vets Wednesday for a check up and was given some antibiotics and a bigger cone. The antibiotics seem to be working which is good and the cone means he can no longer reach his stitches... or anything else for that matter. Everyone who has met him loves him though, including the vet nurse who even took a picture to try persuade her mum.
Roo is extremely well behaved, walks nicely on the lead, sits, lays down, gives paw. He's great and has obviously being well trained at some point. I have a feeling he has potential with agility as well because he did seem interested today when I was trying Tinks with it but trying to jump over a hurdle with a cone on proved very difficult!
Yesterday Roo stayed with another foster for the day while I went to Alton Towers with my family and she loved him and we found out Roo does not particularly like cats and will try chase them if he gets the chance along with ducks and chickens. He does wag his tail though like he's trying to play so he may be workable but the risk is never worth it. Today Roo came up to Honley Show with me and Dan and was very well behaved. It was very busy and although trying to pee on everything... and everyone, Roo was a very good boy. He wanted to meet every dog he saw and if I wouldn't let him he'd get very agitated, but as I said it was very busy and very overwhelming for any dog, especially as a first experience. But as the day went on he settled down and walked next to me, tried to play with every dog he met (big and small), didn't mind children coming over to stroke him. He even decided to jump up at anyone who had food because hes cheeky like that, thankfully most people just laughed once they saw his happy little face. Roo sat nicely when we were watching the pigs and cows on show and just watched the sheep and goats. I would definitely recommend agricultural shows to get dogs well socialised. Although a little fidgety waiting for the dog show, when Roo got in the ring he won a special award in the handsome dog class and a word over the speaker that he was looking for a home and walking around proudly with his ribbon on got many people looking at him and asking what he'd won, what a handsome boy he was and just loving him, which he just soaked in! So it has being a long day for Roo and he is now layed fast asleep after a tiring day out :)
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Roo
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