Well no doubt quite a few of you saw on facebook about Rosies little run away so I best start with that. Last Saturday Rosie decided to take herself up and over the fence in the garden to go on her own little walk. My dad was in the garden and took his eyes off her for a few minutes, which is all it takes. Since we don't normally have big dogs the back of our garden has a smaller fence of around 5ft. Anyway she took herself off into the fields and dad was out for an hour looking before calling me at work. I am aware someone put on facebook the next day that it was bad how I hadn't informed the rescue but please know as soon as I found out I called Kathy and went straight home to have a look for her myself and to put a post on facebook and Dog Lost. Unfortunately I had no luck and had to go back to work to finish my shift. At 2:30 I got a phone call to tell me a gentleman had Rosie around a 15 minute walk from my house in fields we often walk the dogs so went home from work early to get a wet, mucky and tired dog who was very glad to come back to the home comforts of warmth and food.
I was informed that Rosie was found so quick because Rosie had her tag on with 2 contact numbers and my address on so please please please make sure your dogs are tagged! Rosie is of course microchipped which would mean the vets would be able to inform us but a tag ensured she was never taken to a pound, she was home as soon as I knew. You may be thinking now what to do if you lose your dog? Call all local dog pounds, vets and inform anyone you may see walking their dogs of your lost dog. Contact the microchip company and get your dog on Dog Lost with plenty of details. Post your dog all over facebook, the best group I know of is Yorkshire Animals Lost and Found but obviously post on all your local selling places etc too. Speed is everything and obviously go out looking with plenty of smelly treats. Put a smelly dog blanket on your washing line outside so they can find their way home and your dog will be found... trust me!
So on to a positive note Rosie is home safe and sound. She is none the worse for her adventures, she just had a few scratches and was a bit hungry. Rosie is getting so much better in the house, she has had one accident in the past few days so we are very proud of her! She can now be left longer than 2 hours without having an accident too so the improvements shes made is amazing. This isn't too say in a new home Rosie will not have accidents for the first 2 weeks, every dog takes time to adapt so people do need to know that... not just with Rosie but with any new rescue dog. Rosie will obviously need a home with very high fencing to prevent any more runaway missions but other than that Rosie will love the simple life.
11 December 2014
House Living
Meant to post this on the 28th November but it went as a draft instead :/
For a dog who has only ever known kennel life Rosie is getting much better living inside. Houetraining was proving difficult at first but now she is getting the hang of it and knows to go for a wee when shes outside. Occasionally she still does have the odd accident but its just a case of keeping a careful eye on her. She will normally have an accident if left which could be a part of separation anxiety. Rosie is also a scrounger and loves to pinch food. So far shes had all my threes tea, fish food and likes to help herself to food in the biscuit bin.
Rosie does not like loud noises and doesn't like being outside if traffic is going past. She dislikes fireworks and will not go outside at all if she has heard them at night. She is a very loving dog though, loves it when you first come downstairs in the morning and gives very big cuddles. She is a quiet dog needing the quiet life though. Plenty of love and attention and someone around most of the time. I know it is a long shot but it would be amazing if Rosie got her forever home before Christmas. If not, the advent calendar is full of treats for four dogs including Rosie and I will get her a special treat bag to open on Christmas day. Rosie is not into toys, she doesn't really understand what to do with them but squeaks do get her attention and she loves cardboard boxes.
Rosie did have some proper photos done and as you can see she is a very beautiful dog
For a dog who has only ever known kennel life Rosie is getting much better living inside. Houetraining was proving difficult at first but now she is getting the hang of it and knows to go for a wee when shes outside. Occasionally she still does have the odd accident but its just a case of keeping a careful eye on her. She will normally have an accident if left which could be a part of separation anxiety. Rosie is also a scrounger and loves to pinch food. So far shes had all my threes tea, fish food and likes to help herself to food in the biscuit bin.
Rosie does not like loud noises and doesn't like being outside if traffic is going past. She dislikes fireworks and will not go outside at all if she has heard them at night. She is a very loving dog though, loves it when you first come downstairs in the morning and gives very big cuddles. She is a quiet dog needing the quiet life though. Plenty of love and attention and someone around most of the time. I know it is a long shot but it would be amazing if Rosie got her forever home before Christmas. If not, the advent calendar is full of treats for four dogs including Rosie and I will get her a special treat bag to open on Christmas day. Rosie is not into toys, she doesn't really understand what to do with them but squeaks do get her attention and she loves cardboard boxes.
Rosie did have some proper photos done and as you can see she is a very beautiful dog
15 November 2014
Guess what?
Well guess I should finally get around to posting the good news. After her viewing the last time I posted Candy was rehomed. Her newly retired owners have plenty of experience about dogs and have a jack russel friend so were perfect for her. We all miss her lively attitude in the house but I've spoken to her new owners and shes settled in brilliantly. Been on plenty of off lead walks and interacted with new dogs off lead which I'm happy with.
We do have a new dog, I'm really too tired to post full details though so will copy the email I sent to Kathy. She is a 10 year old Welsh Foxhound and an absolute darling! She really is the sweetest dog needing a loving retirement home.
Rosie spends most of her time curled in bed, looking out of the window and watching the world go by. She would suit a quiet retirement home where she will be given all the love she deserves. Rosie has seen children on walks and has not being bothered by them but I think she'd find it a bit too much living with them. Visiting children would be fine. Rosie loves being on the furniture and likes to surf worktops, so she needs owners who will be observant of this and make sure the kitchen is blocked off from her. Owners can not be houseproud with Rosie! Rosie just needs time and training on the accident front and lots of love and cuddles. She'd be best with a securely fenced garden.
We do have a new dog, I'm really too tired to post full details though so will copy the email I sent to Kathy. She is a 10 year old Welsh Foxhound and an absolute darling! She really is the sweetest dog needing a loving retirement home.
Rosie is not 100% housetrained but we are working on it however I do think it will take some time. Rosie is a quiet dog and very easy to live with. She is good on the lead and does not pull at all, she does get a bit tired on her walks so only needs a couple of short walks a day. Rosie is quite a loving dog, she likes to sneakily jump up and place her big paws on your chest when your trying to do something. She loves lots of cuddles and strokes but isn't in your face about it.She is very gentle and even when she jumps up she does it so gently, she just lets her presence be known. Rosie does not have an aggressive bone in her body and will let anybody go near her and take her food off her. She is brilliant with the other dogs, she just ignores them and doesn't care when they try steal her food. She is starting to come out of her shell and every so often she will prance around trying to play but I don't think she really knows what to do.
Rosie spends most of her time curled in bed, looking out of the window and watching the world go by. She would suit a quiet retirement home where she will be given all the love she deserves. Rosie has seen children on walks and has not being bothered by them but I think she'd find it a bit too much living with them. Visiting children would be fine. Rosie loves being on the furniture and likes to surf worktops, so she needs owners who will be observant of this and make sure the kitchen is blocked off from her. Owners can not be houseproud with Rosie! Rosie just needs time and training on the accident front and lots of love and cuddles. She'd be best with a securely fenced garden.
Rosie has never lived in a home so she is just getting used to home life and it could take some time to housetrain her, unfortunately I think that will make her hard to rehome but she'll be here as long as she needs to be.
4 November 2014
No Change Here
It is very hard to update when I have little to say. Candy is still here and doing well, I don't know what else to add about her except what a brilliant dog she is. I find it very hard when people ask me her difficult traits what to say because I have seen past them. Seen past the pulling on the lead and barking at other dogs. Seen past her trying to chase small furries on the street. I just hope someone else can do the same because for her bad traits, Candy has twice as many better traits. Things I just can't see past... the snuggles she gives, her curling up next to the other dogs, her patting you when she wants attention, her squidgy face etc. etc.
On to some good news Candy does have a viewing later today with an ex foster for the rescue who clearly knows all about dogs and would love another playful active dog to be a friend for her jack russel. So fingers crossed they see all her good traits and bypass the bad ones. No dog is perfect but thats what gives them their character and personality :)
On to some good news Candy does have a viewing later today with an ex foster for the rescue who clearly knows all about dogs and would love another playful active dog to be a friend for her jack russel. So fingers crossed they see all her good traits and bypass the bad ones. No dog is perfect but thats what gives them their character and personality :)
18 October 2014
Her day will come
Firstly I'd like to apologise if my formats a little different, I'm writing on my phone for the first time and if it goes well may make blogging easier in future.
So candys viewing went really well the other day, since she was in a funny mood and playing up with other dogs at the farm where we did the viewing I thought she'd ruin it for herself but she was really well behaved and only had a sniff at the couples springer spaniel. I was so happy and everything was going well but unfortunately the couple decided she may be a little too strong on the lead.
So time for a few home truths on candy. She is dog reactive, she will bark at dogs she sees on the lead but she doesn't have one bit of aggression on her, personally I think shes frustrated because she's on a lead and can't say hello. Off lead candy is fantastic and has brilliant recall. Next candy does pull on the lead, not overly and as she's only 11kg she's not too strong but she can yank if she sees a small furry or bird. She's like a terrier in that respect but dogs will be dogs and she just needs a firm hand to keep hold. Candy is very food orientated so this does help with dog reaction, she just needs some on lead training, which is much harder when you have three other dogs. I'm convinced it wouldn't take long though, her prey instinct though, I don't think can be taken out about her.
And finally and most importantly candy is a lap dog, she loves to be with you, she will constantly be sat on your knee and will ask for attention if you stop stroking her. She will give you the funniest grin that you can't help but fall in love with. She'll follow you everywhere and be the most loyal dog. Candy is near perfect, she just needs time and all the love in the world.
A few weeks ago I went for a walk and a 10 year old girl joined me, candy didn't even bother with her as she walked with us. She was full of questions about the dogs one of which was what if you don't find her a home, to which i said I would, she kept asking saying but what If we didn't. As much as I persuaded her I would find her a home in the end i had to tell her I would look after her if she didn't. She then went to ask the same about the next foster dog I will have. I admired her curiosity, but it made me sad how pessimistic she was. What if I couldn't find a dog a home? The dog would end up passing without a real owner. The truth is foster dogs are loved just like my own, should they go to rainbow bridge when their with me I'd hope they'd wait for me there. These dogs arent just rescue dogs they are temporary members of my family and will be forever treated like that until their forever home comes. And every dog has a forever home come forward, it can take days, weeks, months but that forever home will come. Being in rescue requires a sense of optimism, if you don't have that you would never rehome a dog but I do and candys home will come forward!
16 October 2014
Back at the Start
Unfortunately the people who viewed Candy last week did not feel a connection with her, despite Candy being on her best behaviour so Candy is back looking for her forever home. As I always say the dog chooses the owner, and Candy just didn't choose them. However another couple have registered interest and will be viewing Candy in about an hours time so fingers crossed this viewing will go well and Candy behaves well around their springer spaniel.
Candy had her second lot of vaccinations yesterday so is properly ready to go to her new home now, so I'm going to stay optimistic and hope for the best for today :)
Lucy, Tinks, Mr Binx, Sally and Candy x
Candy had her second lot of vaccinations yesterday so is properly ready to go to her new home now, so I'm going to stay optimistic and hope for the best for today :)
Lucy, Tinks, Mr Binx, Sally and Candy x
7 October 2014
Holiday Time
So we have just come back from a week away in Scotland. Even Candy came alone, just going to show foster dogs really are members of the family. Candy did very well and travelled the 5 hours curled up asleep. She loved being at the beach and there was a point where it felt like time to let her go and she did brilliant. Candy has amazing recall and even if she gets distracted by another dog she will come back. Candy is still dog reactive and will bark at the dogs on the lead, however she is not agressive and if she gets to meet them she will have a sniff and be very friendly. We met our friend Lee up in Scotland who is fostering a gorgeus deaf bearded collie named Blue, him and Candy fell in love and were both running off lead together clearly very happy. Blue can be seen in the photos but he is reserved for his forever home so don't ask about him :) Candy loves playing in the sea and will happily splash in the waves and chase after a tennis ball. It was so nice seeing a dog that was once abandoned and was so ill to be so happy with life. Below you can see Candy off lead on the beach in her fancy coat.
We have received interest for Candy and she has had a viewing today which went quite well so its just a waiting game now to see if they would like to adopt her, so watch this space and I will keep you updated, but for now enjoy some happy beach photos of Candy.

We have received interest for Candy and she has had a viewing today which went quite well so its just a waiting game now to see if they would like to adopt her, so watch this space and I will keep you updated, but for now enjoy some happy beach photos of Candy.
19 September 2014
Ready to Go
So last week Candy went to the vets for final blood tests and the vets found her blood count is much better, her white blood cells are back to normal and red blood cells have increased to near normal which shows there is no underlying problem it was just her recovering. So after finishing her antibiotics Candy was given her vaccinations on Tuesday and is now ready to be rehomed.
Candy is doing very well but proving to be a bossy miss. She does need further on lead training in her forever home as she does bark at dogs when she is on the lead and will try and bite through her lead and back out of her harness if she wants to be off. Candy has been let off lead once for photos and is very good, however she will get distracted if she sees another dog and will not respond. Other than that shes fantastic and gets on well with our gang.

Candy is doing very well but proving to be a bossy miss. She does need further on lead training in her forever home as she does bark at dogs when she is on the lead and will try and bite through her lead and back out of her harness if she wants to be off. Candy has been let off lead once for photos and is very good, however she will get distracted if she sees another dog and will not respond. Other than that shes fantastic and gets on well with our gang.
11 September 2014
Rescue Heartbreak
I'm sure by now each of you has heard the dreadful news of the fire at Manchester Dogs Home. At present 43 dogs are known to have died, 43 innocent dogs who were waiting for their second chance in a loving family home. More than 150 dogs have been rescued for at least the second time in their lives by the dedicated work of Manchester firefighters and public heroes. The rescue obviously need all the help they can get but for now they are wanting it to wait till tomorrow as it is very hectic at the moment. They will need food, blankets, bedding, donations, a warm place for the dogs to stay anything that can help the dogs and in the long run no doubt they will be needing the man power. Offer what you can and give back to your community. The dogs did nothing to deserve this.
I find it hard putting into words how I feel without going on an angry rant which will make me sound as bad as the vile person that did this. One part of me is so angry that some sicko has done this, the other is devastated for the loss of innocent dogs and a rescue which works tirelessly to help dogs when they need it most.
As dog lovers together we will all unite and show that there is some faith in humanity. We are not all terrible beings who abandon our family and ruin innocent animals lives. If a dog shows any human agression it is put to sleep, yet as humans you can kill and get a punishment that will never be harsh enough. I think that is enough said for tonight. Run free pups!
I find it hard putting into words how I feel without going on an angry rant which will make me sound as bad as the vile person that did this. One part of me is so angry that some sicko has done this, the other is devastated for the loss of innocent dogs and a rescue which works tirelessly to help dogs when they need it most.
As dog lovers together we will all unite and show that there is some faith in humanity. We are not all terrible beings who abandon our family and ruin innocent animals lives. If a dog shows any human agression it is put to sleep, yet as humans you can kill and get a punishment that will never be harsh enough. I think that is enough said for tonight. Run free pups!
5 September 2014
Gradual Improvements
On Monday Candy went back to the vets to have new blood tests, her rbc count is still much lower than what it should be but they were better than Friday so that is a good sign. So on the up you must think? Not exactly, on Tuesday evening Candy threw up her tea, then was sick at my work on Wednesday then after her tea Wednesday so yesterday she went to the vets and was instructed to be starved of food and water and to be given a rehydration therapy in the evening. Its been horrible watching her ill but she is back to her usual self today and as bubbly as ever. Today Candy went back to the vets to be bathed and trimmed up and is looking very well now. She still isn't really ready to be rehomed but is back at the vets next Friday where more blood tests may be done. Signs do look as though it is not an underlying problem and that her blood results are due to her problems before she came into rescue. Fingers crossed Friday will show more improvements and she will be able to be vaccinated and ready to go.
Candy is such a fantastic dog, she just wants to cuddle and love you. She is slightly overaffectionate with other dogs and will bark like mad when she sees a dog until she has said hello. Shes slightly mad, a little funny looking but an amazing family pet who will never stop loving.
Candy is such a fantastic dog, she just wants to cuddle and love you. She is slightly overaffectionate with other dogs and will bark like mad when she sees a dog until she has said hello. Shes slightly mad, a little funny looking but an amazing family pet who will never stop loving.

29 August 2014
Woody Rehomed... Breaktime? I think not :)
Woodys second viewing went fantastic and the family were ecstatic to welcome him in. Woody will be truly spoilt with his new family... I have no doubts about that and it will be his forever home this time :)
So meet Candyfloss, a 4 year old crossbreed (shnauzer x pug x border terrier) who after some rehabilitation will be ready to be rehomed. Candy has had a real tough time the past few weeks and although she acts like a typical dog her bloods reveal she is quite ill and needs to be on bed rest until they improve. Candy is a very friendly dog who loves attention and although we haven't introduced her to the dogs yet as she isn't strong enough she seems happy enough to have them around from her crate although she does bark when she first meets dogs. Candy is fantastic in the car and will sit nicely, is crate trained and house trained. Although its early hours... nevermind days Candy seems an all round perfect dog. She will be under 24 hour supervision for the next few days and fingers crossed she will perk up when shes back at the vets on Monday but for now it is looking positive and I'm betting once shes up for rehoming, she will be rehomed very quick! I will try keep this page updated but for now enjoy some pictures :)
I was intending to take a break after Woody as I'm going on holiday next month but I figured since its August, the worst time of year for rescue for whatever stupid reason I couldn't stop. Anyway if I'm still fostering when I go on holiday my new foster can join me.
So meet Candyfloss, a 4 year old crossbreed (shnauzer x pug x border terrier) who after some rehabilitation will be ready to be rehomed. Candy has had a real tough time the past few weeks and although she acts like a typical dog her bloods reveal she is quite ill and needs to be on bed rest until they improve. Candy is a very friendly dog who loves attention and although we haven't introduced her to the dogs yet as she isn't strong enough she seems happy enough to have them around from her crate although she does bark when she first meets dogs. Candy is fantastic in the car and will sit nicely, is crate trained and house trained. Although its early hours... nevermind days Candy seems an all round perfect dog. She will be under 24 hour supervision for the next few days and fingers crossed she will perk up when shes back at the vets on Monday but for now it is looking positive and I'm betting once shes up for rehoming, she will be rehomed very quick! I will try keep this page updated but for now enjoy some pictures :)
22 August 2014
Wonderful Woody
Sorry for the lack of updates again, the only excuse I have is tiredness and work getting in the way. So the past few weeks we have been fostering wonderful Woody and since I'm shattered and it will be a long story to explain him I'm just going to copy his post from the website.
Woody is such a handsome boy and has so much energy to burn but he is a typical patterdale terrier. Stubborn and full of life. Woody does not like anyone shouting and will try bite if he feels threatened so sometimes he does need to be left on his own to calm down. Woody loves to play and will fetch every single toy in the house to you to play and absolutely loves his tennis balls! For now though I don't want to be too pushy in finding Woody a home as he had a viewing last week and will be having a second viewing next week. Should all go well Woody will be rehomed soon. Fingers crossed that the whole family love him as if they do he will be going to live with a pug friend with houseboat trips on weekends. He really does deserve a good life,he is too young to be stuck in rescue, even if it is in a foster home. So I'll try keep updated this week, hopefully things will steady out a bit soon and I'll try do at least weekly updates :)
This dog needs a very experienced owner as he is showing signs of past abuse so needs thoughtful and kind handling at all times which children don't understand.Woody Wonderful Man is a 2 years old Patterdale Terrier who is an absolute darling. He is kind, intelligent and loyal.This is one of the most affectionate and cuddly dog we have had in the rescue.However this dog tells his own story ... Woody is showing anxiety if shouted at, if anyone suddenly goes to grab his collar and when having the harness put on. He sometimes gets so frightened he cowers and wets himself with fear .... This is due to past abusive handling prior to coming into the rescue. He therefore needs a very experienced, kind, patient and confident owner. WOODY DOESN'T BITE.Woody is dog friendly, fostered with 3 other dogs and he loves everyone he meets. He needs to be rehomed with another big playful dog to help burn off his energy levels.Woody is totally ball obsessed and will play ball for hours.Woody needs a lot of exercise and attentionAs he is so boisterous and sometimes gets really excited we need a home with NO CHILDREN PLEASE.Woody is well behaved in the house, travels well in the car, doesn't chew, and is a really nice companion and pet.We are looking for a home with
- lots of attention and love
- another playful dog
- eexperienced, kind dog owners
- owners who are very confident handling dogs
- owners who are experienced with abused and frightened dogs
- an ability to train a dog using reward based methods
- NOT if both partners work full time
- no children
- an active home where he will get a lot of exercise
- a garden is not essential but if you have a garden it must be securely fenced to 6 foot high
- long term lifestyle and financial security
Woody is such a handsome boy and has so much energy to burn but he is a typical patterdale terrier. Stubborn and full of life. Woody does not like anyone shouting and will try bite if he feels threatened so sometimes he does need to be left on his own to calm down. Woody loves to play and will fetch every single toy in the house to you to play and absolutely loves his tennis balls! For now though I don't want to be too pushy in finding Woody a home as he had a viewing last week and will be having a second viewing next week. Should all go well Woody will be rehomed soon. Fingers crossed that the whole family love him as if they do he will be going to live with a pug friend with houseboat trips on weekends. He really does deserve a good life,he is too young to be stuck in rescue, even if it is in a foster home. So I'll try keep updated this week, hopefully things will steady out a bit soon and I'll try do at least weekly updates :)
2 August 2014
Looking Up
I have been meaning to post the past couple of weeks but with my birthday, work and being a support worker at a playscheme I've been kind of busy. Just looking back I didn't even update about Chances viewing. As his potential owners didn't have a satnav we went to take him to them ourself. Its fair to say it was love at first sight and after a walk around their local grassy area and an hour sitting with a tea and biscuits we knew it was right to leave Chance there. Since then I have called for an update and they are so happy they insisted if we ever wanted him back they'd make sure they were out. There is no chance I ever want to take Chance from his forever family :)
Foxy spent a bit at the vets, with her kennel cough, needing dental treatment and blood tests. All came back clear though and apart from a small heart murmur and being underweight Foxy was in perfect health and the vet did say she was around 6-8 which was younger than what I initially thought. Shes had her vaccinations and today was viewed by a lovely retired couple wanting a dog after they lost theirs. After the viewing Foxy went along to her forever home.
So now saving the best till last BB Bobby who has been in rescue nearly 2 years has been rehomed to the perfect life on a farm thanks to facebook! :) So please join our page, share our dogs and save lives :)
Foxy spent a bit at the vets, with her kennel cough, needing dental treatment and blood tests. All came back clear though and apart from a small heart murmur and being underweight Foxy was in perfect health and the vet did say she was around 6-8 which was younger than what I initially thought. Shes had her vaccinations and today was viewed by a lovely retired couple wanting a dog after they lost theirs. After the viewing Foxy went along to her forever home.
So now saving the best till last BB Bobby who has been in rescue nearly 2 years has been rehomed to the perfect life on a farm thanks to facebook! :) So please join our page, share our dogs and save lives :)
20 July 2014
Its Amazing What a Week can Do
So I have some good news and some even better news... best get started haven't I.
This time last week as I was noseying through facebook as per usual I noticed a dog posted by Flushdyke Kennels, she'd caught my eye before but having Chance I thought I best not offer to take her, a rescue will come along. After a week in the pound she was still there, I looked at the comments to see everyone from the rescue adoring her and decided to pitch in... 'I'll have her'....I think I may be slightly insane. But I got up early Monday morning to get this lovely old lady from the pound. She was nervous, as all pound dogs are, underweight and needed a good bath and brush but she seemed in good condition. I took her home to a rather surprised dad and gave her a good bath with furminater shampoo and then used a furminator on her... it's amazing what a good wash and brush can do. We decided to call her Foxy because she looks near enough identical to a fox and we've had a Foxy Roxy and a Vixen before. She was doing well but within a few days had started to show signs of kennel cough so isn't in the best condition right now. She is on antibiotics from the vet and if shes better on Thursday she will be having all her vet work done.... dental, microchip, anal glands, nails and of course neutering.
So Foxy is an older lady (don't have an approximate age but I'd say 8+) and we think shes a corgi crossbreed. Her face is a little like a german shepherds/collies so take your guesses... shes a good old fashioned mutt and theres nothing wrong with that. She seems fully deaf so doesn't have recall, but she is very calm and well behaved. She is not fully housetrained but that can never be expected straight away, she is improving and seems to be getting used to day to day life in a home again. Its taken her a few days to destress and stop pacing around the house and she loves to curl up on the sofa and unlike every other foster dog sleeps downstairs on 'her' sofa at night. Although she does sometimes have accidents over night she will never wake you up and stays quiet all night. Foxy refuses to eat dry biscuits and will only eat wet food so is on a full tray of naturediet a day in hopes it will fatten her up. Can't say I've ever had a dog who will deny a dentastick until now! Foxy spends most of her days curled up asleep but if you move she will and she will follow you around with a look of love in her eyes. I'm sure she'll settle even more in time and I'll keep this page updated but for now here are some pictures
This time last week as I was noseying through facebook as per usual I noticed a dog posted by Flushdyke Kennels, she'd caught my eye before but having Chance I thought I best not offer to take her, a rescue will come along. After a week in the pound she was still there, I looked at the comments to see everyone from the rescue adoring her and decided to pitch in... 'I'll have her'....I think I may be slightly insane. But I got up early Monday morning to get this lovely old lady from the pound. She was nervous, as all pound dogs are, underweight and needed a good bath and brush but she seemed in good condition. I took her home to a rather surprised dad and gave her a good bath with furminater shampoo and then used a furminator on her... it's amazing what a good wash and brush can do. We decided to call her Foxy because she looks near enough identical to a fox and we've had a Foxy Roxy and a Vixen before. She was doing well but within a few days had started to show signs of kennel cough so isn't in the best condition right now. She is on antibiotics from the vet and if shes better on Thursday she will be having all her vet work done.... dental, microchip, anal glands, nails and of course neutering.
So Foxy is an older lady (don't have an approximate age but I'd say 8+) and we think shes a corgi crossbreed. Her face is a little like a german shepherds/collies so take your guesses... shes a good old fashioned mutt and theres nothing wrong with that. She seems fully deaf so doesn't have recall, but she is very calm and well behaved. She is not fully housetrained but that can never be expected straight away, she is improving and seems to be getting used to day to day life in a home again. Its taken her a few days to destress and stop pacing around the house and she loves to curl up on the sofa and unlike every other foster dog sleeps downstairs on 'her' sofa at night. Although she does sometimes have accidents over night she will never wake you up and stays quiet all night. Foxy refuses to eat dry biscuits and will only eat wet food so is on a full tray of naturediet a day in hopes it will fatten her up. Can't say I've ever had a dog who will deny a dentastick until now! Foxy spends most of her days curled up asleep but if you move she will and she will follow you around with a look of love in her eyes. I'm sure she'll settle even more in time and I'll keep this page updated but for now here are some pictures
So the better news? On Friday Chance went to his *fingers crossed* forever home with a retired couple and their 13 year old crossbreed. Although he has just gone on a weeks trial I can't see him returning to us and the couple seemed very happy to have him join their family. I'm sure he will be so happy and loved in his perfect home :)
Lucy, Foxy, Mr Binx, Tinks and Sal x
13 July 2014
Beach Trip
Fostering isn't just about feeding a dog, giving him a shelter, that is just a tiny amount of what it is. In reality fostering is bringing a dog who can't remember the meaning of life and teaching them what it is all about. Teaching them life isn't all bad and everyone isn't out to get them. The other day we took Chance to the beach. We don't know if he's ever been before but at least now we can cross it off his bucketlist and Sallys who at the age of 12 has never seen the beach (what terrible owners we are!).
Although we have said in his new home Chance must not be off lead, we trust him and know that he will follow us around like a shadow and as far as it goes a beach is a safe place for a dog. There are only 2 ways to run, the other is the sea or cliffs. He didn't seem to fond of the sea, he avoided it at all costs but to see the smile on his face as he ran across the rocks... that kind of thing is priceless. He did have a moment where he went to explore the rocks by the cliff and decided it was time to play deaf with us but it didn't take much catching up to him to get him to follow us again. Sometimes we think Chance may be hard of hearing then other times he answers straight away so he is definitely very selective! At one point he was prancing around with a labrador off lead and when we shouted him he came back to us with a big grin on his face. Chance loves meeting new dogs. As long as they are calm and friendly he shows them a great deal of respect right back and does enjoy their company which is why he does need to be rehomed with another dog preferably.
The longer Chance is here the more I fall for him, I don't want to keep him before anyone says I can't adopt another but I am starting to love the way he looks at me sometimes with his tail wagging then gives me a big kiss and growls back when I talk to him. I love the way he rests his head on my knees when he wants a stroke. I love how on a walk he shows that he can smile and that he has the happiest smile in the world. I love how happy he is now compared to when he first came. This is why I cannot understand why the right people have not come forward yet. He is what some people would call the perfect dog yet he's still waiting and will wait until the perfect home comes forward... not just any home but the perfect one for Chance!
Although we have said in his new home Chance must not be off lead, we trust him and know that he will follow us around like a shadow and as far as it goes a beach is a safe place for a dog. There are only 2 ways to run, the other is the sea or cliffs. He didn't seem to fond of the sea, he avoided it at all costs but to see the smile on his face as he ran across the rocks... that kind of thing is priceless. He did have a moment where he went to explore the rocks by the cliff and decided it was time to play deaf with us but it didn't take much catching up to him to get him to follow us again. Sometimes we think Chance may be hard of hearing then other times he answers straight away so he is definitely very selective! At one point he was prancing around with a labrador off lead and when we shouted him he came back to us with a big grin on his face. Chance loves meeting new dogs. As long as they are calm and friendly he shows them a great deal of respect right back and does enjoy their company which is why he does need to be rehomed with another dog preferably.
The longer Chance is here the more I fall for him, I don't want to keep him before anyone says I can't adopt another but I am starting to love the way he looks at me sometimes with his tail wagging then gives me a big kiss and growls back when I talk to him. I love the way he rests his head on my knees when he wants a stroke. I love how on a walk he shows that he can smile and that he has the happiest smile in the world. I love how happy he is now compared to when he first came. This is why I cannot understand why the right people have not come forward yet. He is what some people would call the perfect dog yet he's still waiting and will wait until the perfect home comes forward... not just any home but the perfect one for Chance!
29 June 2014
Such a Well Behaved Dog
So yesterday we all went to Dogs Unleashed in Cheshire, the weather held off and we had a fantastic day. Mr Binx made his presence well known from the word go and as a responsible owner for most of the day he was muzzled. Before anyone starts thinking what a horrible person, consider this... what would happen if Binx attacked a dog who dived over to him (as puppies do). He didn't like it and he did have a go when the dog did it so having the muzzle just stopped him snapping at the dog. I have no issue with muzzles when the dog can breathe, eat and drink okay as Binx could, if anything with a nervy dog like Binx its a show of responsibility, I even had a fellow cairn owner come over and tell me how she wanted one for hers. Most of the time Binx would happily approach other dogs but as soon as one barked he did go crazy and bark back and as much as I love him gosh hes annoying! It does make me wonder how much longer he would have been with us if we didn't adopt him because he really does need to be with another dog. Anyway away from my naughty Mr Binx and on to Chance!

Chance is so nervous when he meets new people in the house so I was a bit worried about how he'd get on but there really was no need. Every dog that passed, Chance would go prance over and give them a sniff so politely. He has the nicest manners and never shows any aggression even when he can see Binx barking next to him. A few people got the honours of being approached and sniffed by Chance, its only when they go to touch him where he can be a bit wary. You could see in his eyes and the way he walked though how happy he was to be amongst the crowd. Considering how nervous a dog he is, its quite surprising! Chance did enter a dog show and came 4th in the rescue category, he doesn't have much of a sob story... except for being rescued within an hour of being put to sleep. He wasn't in the worse condition when he came into rescue and other than been a stray we have no history of him. Its not about the history though, any dog who is saved from deaths door is a miracle in my eyes and because he was still in rescue he deserved 1st place in my eyes! I'm not bitter though haha. I am so proud of Chance. I always feel crazy when I say I'm proud of my dogs but to me they are like children and for every single achievement they fulfill I'm proud, even my foster dogs!
I hope that if people know how confident Chance can be in a large area with hundreds of people and dogs, they may realise he will gain confidence and trust in them. I hope that he will get his forever home, its easy enough to look at him and say aw look how sad he looks, aw he needs a home. Don't just say, act! Chance is such a loving dog and is so easy to look after. He needs a few short walks a day and someone around most of the time. Surely there is an active retired person out there to suit his needs? Who is desperate for a friend who will often stand there with his head on your knee looking at you lovingly... I know the right home is there and no matter how long we wait he will find his perfect forever home :)
Lucy, Chance, Mr Binx, Tinks and Sal x
23 June 2014
Dog Show Season
I must admit the best thing about Summer has to be all the dog shows! On Saturday dad took Mr Binx and Chance up to Colne Valley Garden Centres dog show to advertise the rescue and of course Chance. The main reason actually was to see how Binx would react in a large crowd of people and dogs... he was very well behaved and didn't make a noise so I am very proud. This Saturday coming we will be going to Dogs Unleashed in Derbyshire. This dog show is amazing and after going last year we decided to book the Saturday off to go this year. It is huge with lots of charities and stalls to visit, plenty of activities for the dogs to get involved with and even a swimming pool for the dogs! Fingers crossed the weather stays nice and if your down for the day keep a look out for us to meet Chance, we will be wearing WYDR t-shirts to support the rescue and fingers crossed find some homes. Oh and if you do see us wish my dad a happy birthday :P.
On July 27th we will be going down to K9 Party in the Park in Halifax with the dogs... and no doubt Chance will be still with us then. Will clarify that one closer to the day as it will depend on if I can have a day off work and if I'll be suffering from my 21st birthday on the Saturday xD Bark in the Park will also be on the 16th August at Ravensknowle Park... No doubt I will be working but will more than likely pop down in my dinner break.
Yes this is a bit of a random post but what I'm trying to say is dog shows are brilliant for a number of reasons. We can get the word out about the rescue, if your going how about emailing us for some posters to print off and hand out, we can get Chance out and show what a good handsome dog he is and try find him a home. They are such good opportunities to socialise your dogs and can help you interact with your dogs on things like agility. If we didn't go to a dog show when we first got Tinks we'd never have known about her agility potential.So many charities go to these events, you can donate, have a go at a raffle or just find out more about different charities. Most of these events will have free microchipping which is becoming law in 2016 so please make sure your dogs are chipped. If your dogs are chipped just get them checked while your there... you never know the chip may have immigrated or deactivated somehow. And the final reason to go the dog shows?? Its so much fun, seeing your dogs happy and seeing everyone elses happy dogs, its hard not to enjoy yourself! So enjoy Summer everyone and if you have a day off on the weekend, find a dog show and go enjoy yourself!!
Lucy, Tinks, Mr Binx, Sally and Chance xx
On July 27th we will be going down to K9 Party in the Park in Halifax with the dogs... and no doubt Chance will be still with us then. Will clarify that one closer to the day as it will depend on if I can have a day off work and if I'll be suffering from my 21st birthday on the Saturday xD Bark in the Park will also be on the 16th August at Ravensknowle Park... No doubt I will be working but will more than likely pop down in my dinner break.
Yes this is a bit of a random post but what I'm trying to say is dog shows are brilliant for a number of reasons. We can get the word out about the rescue, if your going how about emailing us for some posters to print off and hand out, we can get Chance out and show what a good handsome dog he is and try find him a home. They are such good opportunities to socialise your dogs and can help you interact with your dogs on things like agility. If we didn't go to a dog show when we first got Tinks we'd never have known about her agility potential.So many charities go to these events, you can donate, have a go at a raffle or just find out more about different charities. Most of these events will have free microchipping which is becoming law in 2016 so please make sure your dogs are chipped. If your dogs are chipped just get them checked while your there... you never know the chip may have immigrated or deactivated somehow. And the final reason to go the dog shows?? Its so much fun, seeing your dogs happy and seeing everyone elses happy dogs, its hard not to enjoy yourself! So enjoy Summer everyone and if you have a day off on the weekend, find a dog show and go enjoy yourself!!
Lucy, Tinks, Mr Binx, Sally and Chance xx
14 June 2014
Home and Back to Normal
Huuuge apologies for the lack of posts but life has been a bit hectic, I finished college just before going on holiday and as I've said my hours at work have gone up which is needed. But I am now back from holiday so really need to get my head back in gear with this blog. Even though my hours have gone up at work, college is now over so the main stress and time taker is over. I get a lot of people asking what I plan on doing. I genuinely aren't 100% sure, I'm not topping my course up to a degree because I don't have the time, patience or money. I may take an online course in Canine Behaviour but for now I'm just going to relax, enjoy the dogs company and been at work. September I may start the course but for now I need to graduate from my current course, enjoy my 21st birthday and try grow up just a tad.
Chance is still with us, getting a bit tired of saying that but I'm sure one day the right home will come for him. While we was away he grew quite fond of the petsitter and after she left would go into my room to look for her. He isn't just a mans dog, he is just picky in who he chooses to love... but aren't we all. Chance will make such a great pet, he is so loyal and although he isn't big on giving you love he will happily accept love of you and loves a good stroke behind his ears. Sometimes he will stand by where you are sitting, looking at you as if to say stroke me. Then you can see the happiness in him as you give him a good scratch. There is really nothing else to say that hasn't being said.
From what I can think there isn't much else to add so from now on I'll try and keep updated but with a dog like Chance there really isn't much to say.
Lucy, Tinks, Binx, Sally and Chance xx
Chance is still with us, getting a bit tired of saying that but I'm sure one day the right home will come for him. While we was away he grew quite fond of the petsitter and after she left would go into my room to look for her. He isn't just a mans dog, he is just picky in who he chooses to love... but aren't we all. Chance will make such a great pet, he is so loyal and although he isn't big on giving you love he will happily accept love of you and loves a good stroke behind his ears. Sometimes he will stand by where you are sitting, looking at you as if to say stroke me. Then you can see the happiness in him as you give him a good scratch. There is really nothing else to say that hasn't being said.
From what I can think there isn't much else to add so from now on I'll try and keep updated but with a dog like Chance there really isn't much to say.
Lucy, Tinks, Binx, Sally and Chance xx
3 May 2014
Unfortunate News
Yes I've been quiet lately but really there is so little to update on. Chance is still with us and looking for his forever home. By the looks of it he'll still be here while we're on holiday at the end of this month so our dog sitter has an extra dog on her hands.
Now I must say no there is no bad news on Chance, the bad news that Phoebe is back. You may remember the lovely lurcher girl who was with us 2 years ago. Unfortunately her owner is getting a new job meaning Phoebe would have to be left longer hours, which she just would not cope with. If you remember the reason she initially came in was separation anxiety. After having her for the short period of time 2 years ago I think we did learn it is boredom. She needs access to a full house, plenty of walks and someone in most of the time. To read more in Phoebe at first read back on May 2012 here - http://lucythedogfosterer.blogspot.co.uk/2012_05_01_archive.html. Phoebe needs a home with another dog and can live with children over 5. She is very gentle with children and is used to her current owners young nephew. Other than her high activity levels and being unable to be left long Phoebe is the all round perfect dog. Sometimes dogs are returned in rescue, sometimes life doesn't turn out as people plan and the dogs life gets affected but at least we are here to find Phoebe the perfect home and make the transition easier.
For every piece of bad news I do have some good. You will more than likely all remember Bunny who we rehomed last year, she held a special place in my heart and her owners have never stopped updating me with her progress. Any mischievous antics, naughty ways, fantastic behaviour they have told me about. Now a few months ago Bunnys owners daughter had a baby. Now Bunny is the loveliest of dogs but when she first came into rescue she was a nervous wreck who didn't even want to approach new people. I'd just like to share this photo (with owners permission) of Bunny in her home with her little niece. For all the people who rehome their dogs because your having a baby look at this. This dog would not go near people at one point in her life, she was so scared after being let down in life but look at her now!
Now I must say no there is no bad news on Chance, the bad news that Phoebe is back. You may remember the lovely lurcher girl who was with us 2 years ago. Unfortunately her owner is getting a new job meaning Phoebe would have to be left longer hours, which she just would not cope with. If you remember the reason she initially came in was separation anxiety. After having her for the short period of time 2 years ago I think we did learn it is boredom. She needs access to a full house, plenty of walks and someone in most of the time. To read more in Phoebe at first read back on May 2012 here - http://lucythedogfosterer.blogspot.co.uk/2012_05_01_archive.html. Phoebe needs a home with another dog and can live with children over 5. She is very gentle with children and is used to her current owners young nephew. Other than her high activity levels and being unable to be left long Phoebe is the all round perfect dog. Sometimes dogs are returned in rescue, sometimes life doesn't turn out as people plan and the dogs life gets affected but at least we are here to find Phoebe the perfect home and make the transition easier.
For every piece of bad news I do have some good. You will more than likely all remember Bunny who we rehomed last year, she held a special place in my heart and her owners have never stopped updating me with her progress. Any mischievous antics, naughty ways, fantastic behaviour they have told me about. Now a few months ago Bunnys owners daughter had a baby. Now Bunny is the loveliest of dogs but when she first came into rescue she was a nervous wreck who didn't even want to approach new people. I'd just like to share this photo (with owners permission) of Bunny in her home with her little niece. For all the people who rehome their dogs because your having a baby look at this. This dog would not go near people at one point in her life, she was so scared after being let down in life but look at her now!
6 April 2014
Remember When...
I'm sure you can all remember when Chance first came in and we classed him as deaf. Over time we've learnt hes not deaf but has selective hearing. You say his name and he will glance over. Today he was stealing Sallys biscuits, I shouted Chance, he pricked his ears, went back to eating so shouted him again and he creeped forward after he'd filled his mouth with food. He is a very cheeky boy, if he thinks nobodies in the house he will counter surf so the kitchen door needs to be shut!
Today was the big decider of whether he was deaf, Chance was let off lead! My dad went up to meet our rescue photographer and the results are heart warming. He looks so happy I could cry and it makes me so proud to have accepted him as a foster. If it wasn't for this rescue he would have being PTS simply because nobody wanted him at the pound. Chance responded well off lead and mainly comes back to clapping, so don't think his hearings perfect but he can hear the noises that matter. He loves running next to you and will keep going even when you've stopped... at which point he'll turn around and realise and come back. I'm so happy for him and don't think theres much more to say other than here are the photos:
Today was the big decider of whether he was deaf, Chance was let off lead! My dad went up to meet our rescue photographer and the results are heart warming. He looks so happy I could cry and it makes me so proud to have accepted him as a foster. If it wasn't for this rescue he would have being PTS simply because nobody wanted him at the pound. Chance responded well off lead and mainly comes back to clapping, so don't think his hearings perfect but he can hear the noises that matter. He loves running next to you and will keep going even when you've stopped... at which point he'll turn around and realise and come back. I'm so happy for him and don't think theres much more to say other than here are the photos:
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