Sorry for the lack of updates again, the only excuse I have is tiredness and work getting in the way. So the past few weeks we have been fostering wonderful Woody and since I'm shattered and it will be a long story to explain him I'm just going to copy his post from the website.
This dog needs a very experienced owner as he is showing signs of past abuse so needs thoughtful and kind handling at all times which children don't understand.
Woody Wonderful Man is a 2 years old Patterdale Terrier who is an absolute darling. He is kind, intelligent and loyal.
This is one of the most affectionate and cuddly dog we have had in the rescue.
However this dog tells his own story ... Woody is showing anxiety if shouted at, if anyone suddenly goes to grab his collar and when having the harness put on. He sometimes gets so frightened he cowers and wets himself with fear .... This is due to past abusive handling prior to coming into the rescue. He therefore needs a very experienced, kind, patient and confident owner. WOODY DOESN'T BITE.
Woody is dog friendly, fostered with 3 other dogs and he loves everyone he meets. He needs to be rehomed with another big playful dog to help burn off his energy levels.
Woody is totally ball obsessed and will play ball for hours.
Woody needs a lot of exercise and attention
As he is so boisterous and sometimes gets really excited we need a home with NO CHILDREN PLEASE.
Woody is well behaved in the house, travels well in the car, doesn't chew, and is a really nice companion and pet.
We are looking for a home with
- lots of attention and love
- another playful dog
- eexperienced, kind dog owners
- owners who are very confident handling dogs
- owners who are experienced with abused and frightened dogs
- an ability to train a dog using reward based methods
- NOT if both partners work full time
- no children
- an active home where he will get a lot of exercise
- a garden is not essential but if you have a garden it must be securely fenced to 6 foot high
- long term lifestyle and financial security
Woody is such a handsome boy and has so much energy to burn but he is a typical patterdale terrier. Stubborn and full of life. Woody does not like anyone shouting and will try bite if he feels threatened so sometimes he does need to be left on his own to calm down. Woody loves to play and will fetch every single toy in the house to you to play and absolutely loves his tennis balls! For now though I don't want to be too pushy in finding Woody a home as he had a viewing last week and will be having a second viewing next week. Should all go well Woody will be rehomed soon. Fingers crossed that the whole family love him as if they do he will be going to live with a pug friend with houseboat trips on weekends. He really does deserve a good life,he is too young to be stuck in rescue, even if it is in a foster home. So I'll try keep updated this week, hopefully things will steady out a bit soon and I'll try do at least weekly updates :)