Bye Bye Shadow
So Shadow has just gone to his new home. A quick update on this week with him, we was unable to get him neutered due to him having diarrhoea, however this was just caused by wet food and must now only eat dry food. He is on antibiotics for it and no longer seems to have it. It's been a lovely few days with Shadow and he is such a lovely dog and I am pretty sure he will fit into his new home with Holly.
Poor Sally has really taken a liking to him and even trys to play with him which is rare as she's totally ignored all the other dogs and has growled when they try to play with her. Maybe its cause hes male or maybe shes used to it.
Phoebe is due at 12 so will post again then :)
Also heres some pictures of Shadow. Being purely handsome and pulling some funny faces.
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