My Beautiful Tinks
I love Tinks to bits. I can't lie she is such a perfect little girl. She has such a gorgeous face, a huge smile and the cutest eyes. Okay, I can't lie I've fallen for her. I'm surprised she's still here to be honest. It must be that the pictures aren't doing her any justice as anyone who sees her says how adorable she is. Once we were walking a long and an old woman laughed at her and said 'Look at her socks'. Thats one of her best features her odd socks on all her feet. This brings me onto what breed she is? Well you tell me, we were told a Jack Russel Cross, but what with? She's just a little terrier and is such an individual... one in a million :)

Tinks loves seeing you after you've been at work or out. I've been doing a playscheme the past 2 weeks and every time I come home she jumps up with a huge grin on her face and goes to cuddle me. Today my dad walked her to come pick me up from the school and he let her off the lead and what a run up she had to me. She dived to me and let me pick her up for the biggest cuddle ever. I do love her to bits.
Lucy, Tinks and Sally x
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