Well as you know we had the viewing on Saturday. Not going to lie it didn't go all that great. The young children were petrified of Ambers barking which obviously made her more nervous. The older boy was great though, he sat down totally calm so she went and sat with him, said hello. Just goes to prove that you being nervous just makes the situation worse on Amber. Dogs' do feel our emotions which is why Amber needs a confident owner. Also it didn't help that the man didn't sit down when I asked him to so Amber found him very threatening and kept barking. I could say Amber doesn't like men, but when we went to see Paul the photographer because he was calm and confident with her she was fine, she loves my dad to bits and was fine with him when we got her in the car to bring her here. So thats Amber. Lets hope we get another viewing for her sometime soon, hopefully with someone who understands her and loves her just the way she is.
24 September 2012
Bad News
Sorry for not posting sooner, I was really busy Saturday with the viewing, then the dog show then work and yesterday I just couldn't be bothered, felt so ill. It's awful but I guess its going around and by the looks of it I've got the dreaded freshers flu (yes I am a fresher) for all of those who don't know I've just started my first year doing a Higher National Diploma in Animal Management. Thankfully its only 3 days a week and one of them days I'm only in for a few hours so the dogs are still only left for a few hours at a time. So thats a little bit about me for once now back onto the most important part... Amber.
Well as you know we had the viewing on Saturday. Not going to lie it didn't go all that great. The young children were petrified of Ambers barking which obviously made her more nervous. The older boy was great though, he sat down totally calm so she went and sat with him, said hello. Just goes to prove that you being nervous just makes the situation worse on Amber. Dogs' do feel our emotions which is why Amber needs a confident owner. Also it didn't help that the man didn't sit down when I asked him to so Amber found him very threatening and kept barking. I could say Amber doesn't like men, but when we went to see Paul the photographer because he was calm and confident with her she was fine, she loves my dad to bits and was fine with him when we got her in the car to bring her here. So thats Amber. Lets hope we get another viewing for her sometime soon, hopefully with someone who understands her and loves her just the way she is.

Lucy, Amber, Tinks and Sally x
Well as you know we had the viewing on Saturday. Not going to lie it didn't go all that great. The young children were petrified of Ambers barking which obviously made her more nervous. The older boy was great though, he sat down totally calm so she went and sat with him, said hello. Just goes to prove that you being nervous just makes the situation worse on Amber. Dogs' do feel our emotions which is why Amber needs a confident owner. Also it didn't help that the man didn't sit down when I asked him to so Amber found him very threatening and kept barking. I could say Amber doesn't like men, but when we went to see Paul the photographer because he was calm and confident with her she was fine, she loves my dad to bits and was fine with him when we got her in the car to bring her here. So thats Amber. Lets hope we get another viewing for her sometime soon, hopefully with someone who understands her and loves her just the way she is.
21 September 2012
Change of plans... and again... and again lol
So this is what happens when I don't update and leave it just for a couple of days, seriously thats all it needs for everything to change.. so where did I finish last, so last you heard the first people backed out on us.
Now we did have another family interested, they sounded lovely and it was all planned again for tomorrow but unfortunately, and this is something that can't be prevented, the ladys mums dog is ill and it is an old dog. That's all I know but I do have to say when an old dog gets ill you don't want to introduce a new dog into the system to interrupt them and just make them worse. Especially a mad, active dog like Amber lol. So thats them out of the outlook for now unfortunately. We can only hope that when their dog is better they will come back to the rescue and look at rehoming.
So we have had another family interested, again the viewing is planned for tomorrow lol. So fingers crossed its third time lucky and these people will actually come and view Amber. The family do sound very nice, they live on a farm and have plenty of land for Amber to run in and use her energy. The couple have 2 children, who I can only hope will accept Ambers attitude when they first meet her and I hope they all see the lovely dog Amber is. I'm sure I've said that plenty of times but it's needed. Once shes settled she's so lovely, she just wants to cuddle up and be loved.
So in preparation for tomorrow Amber has being showered, shampood, conditioned and is going to be spritzed so shes all lovely smelling and perfect for the family tomorrow. I hope it goes well I really do, I'll post again tomorrow if I have the time but there is a dog show on that I'll try and get to after the viewing then I have work. But this is the perfect time to say, if you have the time tomorrow pop down to the Lockwood Pub for a WYDR dog show :D Show your support and come along with your pooches https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151049791582469&set=a.10150640065362469.409825.224130822468&type=1&theater
Lucy, Amber, Tinks And Sally
Now we did have another family interested, they sounded lovely and it was all planned again for tomorrow but unfortunately, and this is something that can't be prevented, the ladys mums dog is ill and it is an old dog. That's all I know but I do have to say when an old dog gets ill you don't want to introduce a new dog into the system to interrupt them and just make them worse. Especially a mad, active dog like Amber lol. So thats them out of the outlook for now unfortunately. We can only hope that when their dog is better they will come back to the rescue and look at rehoming.
So we have had another family interested, again the viewing is planned for tomorrow lol. So fingers crossed its third time lucky and these people will actually come and view Amber. The family do sound very nice, they live on a farm and have plenty of land for Amber to run in and use her energy. The couple have 2 children, who I can only hope will accept Ambers attitude when they first meet her and I hope they all see the lovely dog Amber is. I'm sure I've said that plenty of times but it's needed. Once shes settled she's so lovely, she just wants to cuddle up and be loved.
So in preparation for tomorrow Amber has being showered, shampood, conditioned and is going to be spritzed so shes all lovely smelling and perfect for the family tomorrow. I hope it goes well I really do, I'll post again tomorrow if I have the time but there is a dog show on that I'll try and get to after the viewing then I have work. But this is the perfect time to say, if you have the time tomorrow pop down to the Lockwood Pub for a WYDR dog show :D Show your support and come along with your pooches https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151049791582469&set=a.10150640065362469.409825.224130822468&type=1&theater
Lucy, Amber, Tinks And Sally
19 September 2012
Unfortunately I have some bad news to share, after arranging a time to visit Amber on Saturday unfortunately the family have now decided they would like a puppy instead. I am quite annoyed but I have to just say this is rescue life and it does upset me but we must accept it and move on. All you can do is keep calm, move on and realise that somewhere out there the perfect owner is there, not just for Amber but for all the dogs in rescue.
This brings me on to my banner (>). I couldn't add the general one but basically this week is Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week. Gutted I didn't find this out at the start of the week because its nearly over now but yeah its a good point and it's right. Every animal deserves a good home. They may be: old; black; deaf; blind or simply different but their the best type because they are so grateful when you give them the love they deserve. I'm sure you remember me talking about the deaf and blind puppies a couple of months back. Lee has 3(?) beautiful deaf/blind dogs but they are ace. I love them to bits, when I go over they just want all the attention. Most of these dogs have had to deal with it all their lives so what difference is it to them.
Please don't forget, every dog deserves a loving home, no matter how different,
Lucy, Amber, Tinks and Sally x
18 September 2012
We Have Interest :D
Can not explain how happy I am. My hopes about the pictures rising some interest for Amber have come true and she has had a couple of enquiries now. So on Saturday Amber has her first viewing :D!!! A full family are coming over from Manchester to come see her and all I can hope now is she will be on her best behavior because they sound like really good owners for a pet dog and hopefully Amber is the perfect pet for them. The couple have 2 older children (11 and 17) which would be really good for Amber and I'm pretty sure they'll give her the love she needs. They've also had dogs in the past (collies and staffies) which obviously means they're used to crazy, active, loving dogs haha. All I can hope is Amber will get on well with their parents collie as they have offered to look after Amber during the day while the family is out. So they will be coming along as well along with their collie. So I have no idea how it will work out, I have no idea where I will fit so many people in my house along with 2 dogs :P Hopefully the weather will be nice enough to go on a walk in the fields with her. But I have everything crossed for her and if it goes well Amber will have her new home... I hope. So please everyone wish us luck for Saturday.
So I'll update again on Saturday,
Lucy, Amber, Tinks and Sally x
So I'll update again on Saturday,
Lucy, Amber, Tinks and Sally x
13 September 2012

Lucy, Amber, Tinks and Sally x
12 September 2012
Beautiful Amber
I really hope that nobody is overlooking Amber... problem is it's not only Amber. Hardly any dogs are moving in the rescue at the moment and then we have a lot due in. But me and my dad really have no idea about Amber. She's such a beautiful girl, she just loves cuddles and is so loyal to you. Her and Tinks have become the best of friends and she will make an excellent family pet. I think she would adore children to play with and snuggle up to at night. As long as they were dog savvy and not rough with her. Heres some pictures with my new camera, snazzed some of them over a bit lol

6 September 2012
My first Dog
So since Heather the beautiful cairn terrier has being in the rescue I've been thinking back to my first dog a lot. Ben was a cairn x westie who died when he was 18 and a half. So yes he had a good long life. My parents had him before I was even born and then when I was born he became my faithful guardian. He wouldn't let anyone near my cot except my parents and my uncle and was just so protective. He really was an amazing dog. So this is just to say don't be put off by Heathers age, like I said mine lived till he was 18, they are such loving dogs. Who cares that Heather isn't my foster dog, I want all the dogs to find loving homes just as much as I want Amber to find one. They all deserve better lives to what they've had. So even if you read my blog and Amber doesn't sound like the dog for you please visit http://www.westyorkshiredogrescue.co.uk/dogs.htm and have a look at all the other dogs we currently have in the rescue because they all need a loving home :)
So thats all I really came on to say about my Ben then got totally distracted talking about other dogs. Haha. Thats me. Anyway heres some pictures of Ben my lovely cairn x who was well and truly my protector
So thats all I really came on to say about my Ben then got totally distracted talking about other dogs. Haha. Thats me. Anyway heres some pictures of Ben my lovely cairn x who was well and truly my protector
4 September 2012
Late Post
This is rather late to post this but I would just like to wish Amber, my crazy, beautiful foster dog a happy third birthday. I know what she's wished for just wish someone would make that come true. I look at her all the time and just don't understand why she's had no interest yet. At first you kind of understand, shes a loud dog but when she's settled down all she wants is to cuddle up with you and just to be loved.
Tinks absolutely adores Amber, she just always wants to play with her... except when she wants to sleep then Ambers just a pain :P But she's so lovely, yesterday Tinks just went and layed next to her and fell asleep using her as a pillow and Amber didn't have a care in the world.
One strange point about Amber. I don't think she's ever had a garden so she doesn't like to go in ours. We normally have our door open when the weathers nice so the dogs can run in and out as they please. Tinks loves to be outside so she keeps playing with Amber inside luring her outside but as soon as she gets to the door Amber just goes to a standstill. She only goes out if she's really desperate for the toilet. It's sad seeing a dog that has so much energy that loves to be out on walks not want to be out in the garden. On that same point she also prefers to go to the toilet when she's out on a walk, she will pull like mad until she's got to a piece of grass where she can do her business. For this reason she needs to be walked before you leave the house and obviously after for her own comfort as well as preventing accidents. Like I said before though she needs plenty of walks anyway to burn her energy off. Amber is very strange on walks, little things will startle her and make her cower. For example today it was an old man with a walking stick and a lady at a bus stop. It's very strange and it seems there is nothing definite that gets her nerves running.
So thats all for now. I have a new camera :D So happy can now take better pictures of the dogs with no evil eye! I'll try get some nice photos of Amber but she is rather hard to take a picture of, she's either to active to get a good photo or fast asleep looking miserable lol. Pictures taken with old camera - see what I mean about evil eyes?

Lucy, Tinks and Amber x
Tinks absolutely adores Amber, she just always wants to play with her... except when she wants to sleep then Ambers just a pain :P But she's so lovely, yesterday Tinks just went and layed next to her and fell asleep using her as a pillow and Amber didn't have a care in the world.
One strange point about Amber. I don't think she's ever had a garden so she doesn't like to go in ours. We normally have our door open when the weathers nice so the dogs can run in and out as they please. Tinks loves to be outside so she keeps playing with Amber inside luring her outside but as soon as she gets to the door Amber just goes to a standstill. She only goes out if she's really desperate for the toilet. It's sad seeing a dog that has so much energy that loves to be out on walks not want to be out in the garden. On that same point she also prefers to go to the toilet when she's out on a walk, she will pull like mad until she's got to a piece of grass where she can do her business. For this reason she needs to be walked before you leave the house and obviously after for her own comfort as well as preventing accidents. Like I said before though she needs plenty of walks anyway to burn her energy off. Amber is very strange on walks, little things will startle her and make her cower. For example today it was an old man with a walking stick and a lady at a bus stop. It's very strange and it seems there is nothing definite that gets her nerves running.
So thats all for now. I have a new camera :D So happy can now take better pictures of the dogs with no evil eye! I'll try get some nice photos of Amber but she is rather hard to take a picture of, she's either to active to get a good photo or fast asleep looking miserable lol. Pictures taken with old camera - see what I mean about evil eyes?
Lucy, Tinks and Amber x
1 September 2012
Playful Amber
Amber is so lovely, she is now officially on the website, view her profile on http://www.westyorkshiredogrescue.co.uk/dogs.htm, Amber absolutely adores Tinks, she loves playing with her and Tinks loves playing with her right back as you can see by my last video. Amber could be rehomed with other dogs as long as they were't dominant as she wants to be the dominant one. She would probably be quite happy as the only dog as today when I went out for the day with my 2, Amber was apparently really calm without Tinks around but she did miss her. I only left her due to her nervousness and thought so many new dogs and people would just overwhelm her.
Yesterday my friend stayed over. On meeting her Amber barked non stop which is the same thing she did with us. I'd hate for this to put off potential owners. It took around half an hour for her to calm down and lay next to my friend on the sofa. She will probably take a couple of visits but she is the loveliest dog. I really don't want the barking to put anyone off as this is only when she meets new people and once she's calmed she just wants to cuddle up.
Amber has so much energy, my dad let her off the lead yesterday, she didn't have the best recall but that was mainly because she was too busy playing with my dog to listen. Which as I've said before will mean she'll need secure fields to run in with no busy roads around. She does pull on the lead and always acts like she has some place to be but I think its because of her superb nose, its like shes always on the hunt. She needs her walks though just to burn the energy off, I'd say at least 2 a day.
Update from previous owner: Apparently Amber is (deep breath in) Jack Russel, Chiahuaha, Staffie, Dalmation. So yep, shes a full on cross breed.
Yesterday my friend stayed over. On meeting her Amber barked non stop which is the same thing she did with us. I'd hate for this to put off potential owners. It took around half an hour for her to calm down and lay next to my friend on the sofa. She will probably take a couple of visits but she is the loveliest dog. I really don't want the barking to put anyone off as this is only when she meets new people and once she's calmed she just wants to cuddle up.
Amber has so much energy, my dad let her off the lead yesterday, she didn't have the best recall but that was mainly because she was too busy playing with my dog to listen. Which as I've said before will mean she'll need secure fields to run in with no busy roads around. She does pull on the lead and always acts like she has some place to be but I think its because of her superb nose, its like shes always on the hunt. She needs her walks though just to burn the energy off, I'd say at least 2 a day.
Update from previous owner: Apparently Amber is (deep breath in) Jack Russel, Chiahuaha, Staffie, Dalmation. So yep, shes a full on cross breed.
Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Amber x
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