Tinks absolutely adores Amber, she just always wants to play with her... except when she wants to sleep then Ambers just a pain :P But she's so lovely, yesterday Tinks just went and layed next to her and fell asleep using her as a pillow and Amber didn't have a care in the world.
One strange point about Amber. I don't think she's ever had a garden so she doesn't like to go in ours. We normally have our door open when the weathers nice so the dogs can run in and out as they please. Tinks loves to be outside so she keeps playing with Amber inside luring her outside but as soon as she gets to the door Amber just goes to a standstill. She only goes out if she's really desperate for the toilet. It's sad seeing a dog that has so much energy that loves to be out on walks not want to be out in the garden. On that same point she also prefers to go to the toilet when she's out on a walk, she will pull like mad until she's got to a piece of grass where she can do her business. For this reason she needs to be walked before you leave the house and obviously after for her own comfort as well as preventing accidents. Like I said before though she needs plenty of walks anyway to burn her energy off. Amber is very strange on walks, little things will startle her and make her cower. For example today it was an old man with a walking stick and a lady at a bus stop. It's very strange and it seems there is nothing definite that gets her nerves running.
So thats all for now. I have a new camera :D So happy can now take better pictures of the dogs with no evil eye! I'll try get some nice photos of Amber but she is rather hard to take a picture of, she's either to active to get a good photo or fast asleep looking miserable lol. Pictures taken with old camera - see what I mean about evil eyes?
Lucy, Tinks and Amber x
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