Great News!
So as I said last time the people who viewed Blanche last week did not get back to us so we waited for another suitable enquiry form and the other day we got it. A couple in Blackpool registered an interest in Blanche, wanting a small dog to fit in with their family and after looking further afield than Blackpool they saw Blanche. They immediately filled a form in, contacted Kathy and as soon as Kathy told me I phoned them and had a word. They asked all the right questions about Blanche, her temperament, her behaviour, everything someone genuinely interested would ask so after a quick chat it became apparent they would be right for Blanche so we arranged a viewing for this weekend. The viewing went great, and after both sitting down Blanche sat on the mans knee and just relaxed, being the friendly girl she is. It's fair to see I could tell how much they loved her. After a cup of tea and a long viewing session with plenty of Blanche cuddles, photos of their house and past dogs and plenty of stories along the way it became apparent to me they were Blanches owners. In fact they knew before coming they wanted her and have already booked her in to the holiday they are going on at the end of June! So even if they didn't adopt her they would be taken her on holiday with them!!
They really were great though and when it came time to leave they made sure I knew they were adopting her and made sure to tell me not to let anyone else have her. Now normally we would have let them take her but we have made the decision together to wait till the beginning of June, when the couples daughter is home from uni for the summer and will be in to get her settled in. They both work part time but as Blanche is fine left this is not a problem for us and the couple said they are not far off from retiring. So Blanche has a good future laying ahead of her, with promises of plenty of woodland walks, beach walks and holidays around the country. She will be truly spoilt and I can tell she will be a big part of their family... in fact it already seems that way. So while we are waiting for the 1st of June to come around we are going to get Blanche neutered and save them a job. I am going to leave it for maybe a week just to make sure she is fully recovered from the kennel cough (she has coughed a little over night). I know I am just worrying for her but she is a sweet little girl and has really become a part of a family. But she is just my foster dog and soon she will be in her forever home where she will get the best treatment she could ask for!!

Lucy, Tinks, Sally and Blanche x
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