Tinks Story
So a year ago this week we failed for the first time on a foster dog and adopted Tinks. After being with us a month, she had formed a special bond with the family and noone had showed any interest in her. Now although to us she is the perfect dog I never put her story in full on my blog, for fear it would remove any interest in her at all. The first day we got Tinks though she decided to run away, after being left outside for a short period of time with my friend checking on her regularly while I nipped out she found her way out. On my way home, while on my road I saw a little black dog running down and immediately stopped the car, realising that was my new foster dog, who we'd only had a matter of hours! Now Tinks originally lived in Barnsley so there was no way she was going to find her way home so it was a real worry and unfortunately I hadn't had time to give her a walk as I normally do to get her used to the area. Obviously when I pulled over I did shout her, to which she looked at me but as soon as I approached she bolted and ran right down the middle of the road where a van was coming down. Me being the stupid person I am, ran behind her to grab the vans attention, thankfully at this point he had slowed down and Tinks went back onto the path before there was an accident. At that point I had to give up and run to my house to alert my dad, friend and boyfriend and to start a full on search. Along with alerting the rescue, asking a friend who lived down the road to help out, alerting the vets and posting all over facebook about her. We saw her plenty of times but she was just impossible to catch as she is very nervous of strangers. My friend had left food down for her and seen her sitting in the park with some kids but she just would not go near her. She got the food but did not want to go to the hand that gave it. After being told she'd stopped traffic on a major road we carried on looking but decided after 3 hours it was time to stop for the night.
Now I was intending to go out that night and was told to carry on with my usual plans as we would find her, leaving my dad home I left it up to him to keep an eye out. Apparently he had seen her many times, as had everyone in the area but she was not giving in! Now I came home at around 2o'clock in the morning. 10 hours after she went missing! We'd asked the taxi driver if he'd seen a dog, to which his reply was he'd seen a little black dog running around all night... so at least he brought some light to the fact she had not gone too far. While leaving the taxi we did see her, luckily for us bolting up our steps, to which I followed her and slammed the gate behind her and went to open the back door. I will never know if it was just luck that she went up our steps or whether she had just given up but what I did know is she was back. And she came into the house so nervous with the saddest little face and she weed because she was so petrified I was going to shout at her. In fact all I wanted to do was hug her and make sure she was safe. I wasn't annoyed at her, more annoyed that she had caused so much worry, I was elated that she was home safe. I think right from that moment I knew I would keep her.
Now just to clarify Tinks is an escape artist, my garden is extremely secure, however Tinks managed to get out and has done many times since, even through all the wwork we've done to our fencing. Now we have a more reinforced garden however, with an extra gate at the bottom of our steps. I think there will always be certain houdini artists, that no matter how secure they can get out. All that matters though is they come back in one piece and that they are tagged and microchipped should they be picked up by someone else! I must exagerate though if you ever lose your pet please follow the info on http://www.westyorkshiredogrescue.co.uk/lostandfound.htm and don't give up looking!
Sorry for the random post, but as I have said I am foster free until the beginning of August now so I'll just try keep posting on here random posts.
Currently in the rescue:
Waffle - 5 year old horse friendly whippet cross
Roxy - 1 year old loveable labrador cross
Patch - 6 year old collie cross
Barnaby - 2 year old collie x jack russel
Nya - 3 year old Akita
Tigger - 1 year old staffie cross
Gaynor - 5 year old staffie
Doris and Dixie - Pair of 10 year old jack russels
Hugo - 2 year old jack russel
Bobby - 2 year old yorkie
Cinders - 10 year old poodle cross
Bracken - Lurcher
Vikki - 1 year old jack russel x chiahuahua. Now I really do feel for Vikki, maybe because she reminds me of Tinks in a way. She is a very nervous young girl and will nip at the heels of strangers when she first meets them and will bark at dogs when on walks. This is purely out of fear and is not true aggression, as when she has formed a bond with her owner she is a very loyal loving dog. Vikki really does need understanding owners who are around most of the time to spend all their time with her and who can give her regular walks. Vikki can not be rehomed with children or cats, and will benefit from a kind gentle dog who will help calm her nerves. Poor Vikki has been in the rescue for well over a year now as people can not get past her nervous ways and do not understand what a loyal dog she will be in time.
Lucy, Tinks and Sal
Oh and please enjoy this weather but be careful with your dogs and DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN CARS!! and if outside just keep an eye on them and try cool them down with wet towels or maybe a quick dip in a pool :)
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