30 January 2014

Little Fighter (Graphic photos)

I would have posted yesterday but I was far too busy with the new foster and all the vet work that comes along with him. I've calmed enough now to post without going in a mad fit. Sometimes you have to put your professional head on to allow you to cope with such situations, yesterday was one of them because I could have gone bonkers with the state this dog is in. I'm still angry and annoyed but I have to just think about Harry and get him better. 

So Harry is a tiny poodle crossbreed, at a guess, hes over 10 years old and is in terrible condition. He's so skinny and only weighs just over 4kg, his hair was matted and cut prior to coming into rescue, his nails are so long and his dew claws were hidden in all the matted hair. His teeth are rotten and he has a tumour on his side, just underneath his leg. I've had 30 foster dogs now but he is by far the worst. Even the vet was horrified with his conditions. Blood tests were done straight away to make sure he was strong enough for an op and hes being given antibiotics. In a week he will be going to the vets to get a full dental, neuter and his tumour removed. I'm disgusted and I think only pictures can speak how bad a condition he is in. 

A bit about him anyway... hes a friendly little chappy, absolutely loves being held and cuddled and has to be with you at all times. Hes just mastered the fine art of climbing the stairs but is still to master going down them. He is eating much better now and is getting fed once an hour, little and often to try and fatten him up before the op next week. He isn't housetrained and does pee pretty much anywhere but thats the least of my worries right now. He slept all the way through the night and when hes better I'm sure he'll be an even better dog.

Thats all I have to say about Harry for now, I'll keep you updated and will post later with some nice professional photos of Sir Binx 

Lucy, Tinks, Sally, Binx and Harry xx

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